Media Statements

We are SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. We are the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others).

CA - Three victims settle lawsuit in California, SNAP responds

We are grateful to these three brave men who have helped expose a predator priest and who have won some semblance of justice. We strongly suspect that Catholic officials in Santa Rosa and Dublin knew of or suspected Fr. Patrick McCabe's crimes but kept silent and endangered more children.


Call Pennsylvania Rules Chair Rep. Turzai to call up House Bills 832, 878 and the new 2488 for a committee vote. The legislature is only in session THIS WEEK until June 29--then they break for the entire summer. Call Rep. Turzai: (717) 772-9943 or email him at [email protected].

MN-Victims blast Catholic officials for delay in child sex arrest

It’s disturbing that Minnesota Catholic officials stayed silent about these serious and credible allegations for days.

No gag orders at Penn State; SNAP says

We call on Penn State officials to disavow confidentiality or "gag" orders and to agree not to ask victims to sign them before their cases are settled. From a PR perspective, these orders may be tempting, but from a prevention perspective, these orders will only do the public a disservice.

PA- Statement from Male Survivor

MaleSurvivor applauds the jury for it's courageous verdict and the tireless work of prosecutors and officials in the case against Monsignor Lynn.

MO - New Philly priest verdict should worry KC bishop, SNAP says

The historic guilty verdict today against a top Philadelphia Catholic official should embolden KC prosecutors and give KC Bishop Finn serious pause. 

PA- SNAP urges immediate jail for Msgr. Lynn

We agree with prosecutors: Msgr. Lynn is a flight risk and should be jailed right now. That's only prudent. 

PA- Msgr. Lynn guilty, SNAP responds

This day—and the relief, vindication and healing it gives clergy sex abuse victims—is long overdue. The guilty verdict sends a strong and clear message that shielding and enabling predator priests is a heinous crime that threatens families, communities and children, and must be punished as such. It is also the criminal justice system's "shot across the bow," sending a clear signal to all institutions: “Protect kids, oust predators or go to jail.”

CA- Jesuit priest lies under oath; SNAP responds

We call on prosecutors to charge Fr. Jerold Lindner with perjury. To let him get by with lying on the witness stand would be an affront to Will Lynch, other child sex abuse victims, and to justice itself.

CT - Priest caught with child porn, SNAP responds

Sex crimes against children are rarely a one-time occurrence. It is not a 'mistake' or 'error in judgment,' but is repeated behavior that must be stopped early.

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