Donate Today
Your donation today ensures SNAP will be there for those who need us tomorrow.
You can help:
Provide outreach to victim-survivors.
Continue and expand the ever-growing need for in-person and online support groups
Serve as advocates by sharing crucial information through media events and holding those responsible, accountable
Collaborate with other leading organizations to prevent further abuse by educating the public and visible advocacy
Empower volunteers in our network to ensure SNAP is here for those who will need us tomorrow
Because of the sensitivity of survivors, all donations to SNAP will remain anonymous unless you specify otherwise.
SNAP is a 501(c)3 organization. Your tax-deductible donation will be acknowledged by email and snail mail if we have accurate contact info on file. For end-of-the-year tax purposes, don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly to request an annual receipt at (312) 321-4470 or [email protected].