Media Statements

We are SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. We are the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others).

MA- Boston Cardinal wants more PR help; SNAP responds

The LA Times reports that some of America’s bishops feel they need more professional public relations help. Boston’s Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston apparently agrees, saying "We need more help and sophistication in our messaging."

GA- Backers of controversial pastor urged to be “sensitive”

First, we’re here to express our sympathy for the family of Rev. Creflo Dollar. No matter what happened last week or happens in the weeks ahead, it’s clearly been – and will likely still be – tense and perhaps even traumatic. We hope that each of them is getting help from independent and experienced professionals.

Victims to testify to lawmakers

  • Victims to testify to lawmakers
  • They push to reform child sex laws
  • Bill would give them more time to take legal action
  • New Jersey’s Catholic bishops oppose the measure

SNAP applauds sentencing of former teacher and coach at The Citadel

The sentencing of Skip ReVille doesn't end this talk of horrors. It's almost certain that others he hurt, perhaps dozens, are still suffering. Citadel offciais have a moral duty to find and help these individuals.

Predator priest's trial delayed; SNAP responds

We understand that the judge insisted on seeing medical records, instead of just taking Fr. Schook’s word for his medical condition. And we’re grateful that the judge remains open to the possibility of a trial. The justice system is far from perfect but it’s the best way to expose not only clergy sex crimes but also callous cover ups by church officials.

Hawaii bishop accused of molesting boy

Hawaii bishop accused of molesting boy

New sex abuse and cover-up lawsuit is filed

This is the 2nd victim to name Ferrario as offender

Diocese knew and covered up allegations, lawsuit says

New state law lets victims expose abusers & protect kids

SNAP's "Dirty Dozen" Bishop List

Below is a list of SNAP's list of worst bishops in the past decade, based on their actions since the adoption of the Dallas charter.

Abuse report given today to bishops; SNAP responds

Today, as best we can tell, there was no mention of: 

  • putting suspended predator priests- for the sake of public safety- in remote, secure treatment facilities
  • stopping the use of Catholic therapists and using independent and experienced therapists (who specialize in pedophilia) instead
  • revamping or expanding review boards to be more independent
  • training parishioners in how to appropriately respond to abuse allegations, in ways that don’t deter or scare victims, witnesses or whistleblowers from coming forward.

Victims praise judge's ruling against Catholic bishop

We are grateful for this ruling. We’re confident it will mean that dozens and dozens of KC area victims are a step closer toward healing and closure. We hope it will mean that Bishop Finn and other Catholic officials really will start implementing the 19 prevention steps they promised victims they’d take four years ago.

Philly pastor publicly honored a defrocked pedophile priest, SNAP responds

We call on Philly Archbishop Charles Chaput to harshly discipline the pastor who just publicly honored a defrocked pedophile priest. (see below)

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