Media Statements

We are SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. We are the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others).

US Bishops to review progress made regarding clergy abuse in past decade: SNAP responds

We’re here today to urge America's Catholic bishops - who are meeting now in Atlanta - to totally scrap and revamp their ten year old child sex abuse policy. We’re asking them to commit to an inclusive, one year planning process with public hearings and "real input," and reform and broaden this policy. And we are prodding them to adopt a key, missing component - tough penalties for church officials who ignore, conceal and enable child sex crimes. 

Victims ask US bishops to censure CA colleague

Clergy sex abuse victims are urging America’s Catholic bishops to denounce San Diego's top church official for restoring a priest to ministry barely a month after he pled guilty to molesting a teenage parishioner.

"Blast Owensboro diocese's recklessness" SNAP begs bishops

Clergy sex abuse victims are urging America’s Catholic bishops to denounce Owensboro church officials for keeping quiet for 18 years about an allegation against a priest who now faces criminal child sex abuse charges.

Victims urge DAs to charge ex-Penn State president and others

Newly disclosed emails from 2001 appear to show that then-Penn State President Graham Spanier choose to keep child sex abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky secret.

Victims blast Owensboro Catholic officials for secrecy

It’s pretty clear that Owensboro Catholic officials have endangered kids – and broken the church’s abuse policy - for years, by hiding at least one credible child sex abuse allegation against a priest from parishioners and the public.

Priest arrested on child sex charges, SNAP responds

We are grateful that a victim of Rev. Louis Francis Piskula has stepped forward and is cooperating with law enforcement. When victims stay silent, nothing changes. But when victims find the courage to take action, there's at least a chance for prevention, healing and justice. 

Victims praise KY lawmaker who discloses his abuse by priest

We applaud Rep. Burch for his courage. It's always tough to disclose horrific childhood trauma, especially at the hands of a trusted clergyman.

Pastor fired after arrest: SNAP responds

We applaud Texas law enforcement for taking charges of sexual abuse seriously. And while we are glad that the Cowboy Church of Marshal County has fired Mark Allen green after his arrest we feel that step is the bare minimum.

Philly jury is off until next week, SNAP responds

Our hearts ache for the dozens of courageous victims, witnesses and whistleblowers who have exposed wrongdoing, protected kids and helped law enforcement and who are anxiously waiting for a verdict in this historic trial. No matter what happens, their bravery has not been in vain. They deserve closure and justice and we hope they’ll get both soon.

A NY bishop releases predators' names--Dolan should do the same

We welcome the Rochester Catholic bishop's new move to protect children by releasing a list of predator priests. And we call on NYC's Cardinal Timothy Dolan to stop stonewalling and do likewise.

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