PA- SNAP urges immediate jail for Msgr. Lynn
We agree with prosecutors: Msgr. Lynn is a flight risk and should be jailed right now. That's only prudent.
Time and time again over the years, Catholic officials who have committed or concealed child sex crimes have fled overseas.
Why take this risk?
Msgr. Lynn's been convicted of just one charge. But keep in mind that for at least 12 years, and likely longer, he suspected and knew of but concealed and enabled horrific child sex crimes by perhaps dozens of clerics. He and his current and former church supervisors have much to fear. He might very well flee abroad.
So let's put justice and safety first, and lock up Msgr. Lynn right away.
Also, it's important to remember that Fr. Brennan, a serial child molester, now walks free. We worry about the safety of kids around him. We hope others who saw, suspected and suffered his crimes come forward immediately. And we hope prosecutors are able to charge him again as soon as possible.
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I rest my case!
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Court Reporter