Media Statements

We are SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. We are the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others).

MO - Victims to KC bishop: “Stay home”

A support group for clergy sex abuse victims is urging controversial Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn to stay home next week and “show contrition” - for acting “recklessly, callously and deceitfully” in clergy sex abuse cases - by skipping the annual meeting of America’s Catholic bishops.

IL - Offending bishop may be returned to ministry

A support group for clergy sex abuse victims has learned that sexual misconduct accusations against a Chicago bishop have been deemed “credible” by Orthodox church officials, but the bishop may be returned to active ministry later.

NV - "Las Vegas bishop must act now," victims group says

A Las Vegas jury has awarded $500,000 to a man who was sexually abused as a boy by Fr. James Patrick Feeney. 

PA - SNAP applauds charges filed against ex-PSU President

Today, charges were formally filed against former Penn State President Graham Spanier. He faces eight charges including conspiracy to commit perjury, failing to report child abuse, obstructing justice, and endangering the welfare of children.

MO - Convicted predator priest seeks his freedom today

We applaud Mark and the other brave victims of this dangerous predator; they are courageously cooperating with prosecutors to keep a shrewd serial child molester away from kids. 

IN - Pastor alleged to have abused handicapped child, SNAP responds

An Indiana pastor has been arrested for abusing a handicapped 14-year-old girl.

OH - Student advisor sentenced to one year in prison, SNAP responds

A Cincinnati judge has sentenced a student advisor to one year in prison after he pled guilty to molesting at least two boys at a school for the deaf.

NC - Scoutmaster in NC admits abusing kids, SNAP responds

A scoutmaster who was named in the BSA’s “perversion files” today admitted his guilt, but said he did so under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

AL - Case against youth minister settled, SNAP responds

We are grateful to the police and prosecutors who worked for justice on behalf of the young victim of William David Webb, and to the judge for handing down this large settlement. We believe that this stiff punishment will send a message to other would-be wrongdoers that their crimes will be caught and they will be punished severely, and will also help bring closure to the victim.

MS - Police, prosecutors, and victims must do more, SNAP says

An admitted child predator may evade justice using a technicality, so police, prosecutors and victims must re-double their efforts to find others who saw, suspected or suffered misdeeds by John Langworthy.

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