SNAP Media Events

The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) Will speak about the upcoming activation of the Child Victim’s Act (CVA) and the possible bankruptcy declaration by the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

For Immediate Release September 27, 2023

WHAT: A sidewalk news conference, abuse survivors and advocates who are part of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, will encourage survivors to come forward and seek help while updating them on the upcoming change in Maryland law on 10/1/23. The CVA will take effect. 

WHENThursday 9/28/23 11:00 am

WHERE: In front of the Baltimore Basilica, 409 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201

WHO: 7-10 abuse survivors and advocates, including the Maryland SNAP Leader David Lorenz, who wants to reach out to adult survivors of sexual abuse and make them aware of the changes in Maryland law known as the Child Victim’s Act that will take effect on Sunday.  They will also call attention to the fact that the Archdiocese of Baltimore is floating the idea of declaring bankruptcy even before the first case is filed

The Parents of Ohioans for Child Protection and local, national survivors of SNAP Network call on Ohio AG for a full investigation

For Immediate Release August 15, 2023

Northern District of Ohio | Northeast Ohio Priest Sentenced to Life in Prison for Sex Trafficking Minors, Exploitation and Child Pornography | United States Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs | Jury Convicts Priest of Sex Trafficking Three Victims in Northern Ohio | United States Department of Justice

Rev. David Morrier sentenced to probation for sexual battery | News, Sports, Jobs - The Herald Star (

Cincinnati priest pleads guilty to raping altar boy, gets 7 years in deal with prosecutors (

Glouster priest sentenced to 12 years in prison for unlawful sex with minor parishioner | Local News |



The parents of Ohioans for Child Protection and local, national survivors of SNAP Network and other concerned members of the community will be holding a press conference to publicly ask Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to conduct a statewide investigation of the history and scope of child sexual abuse, trafficking, child sex abuse enabling and cover up in Ohio’s 6 Dioceses.



Victims push for new abuse probe; D.C. Presser 8/13 1:30pm

Victims push for new abuse probe

They ask DC AG to open investigation

SNAP: 'Dozens of abusers are/were here but remain hidden'

And they prod DC’s archbishop to reveal more predators


Holding signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will hold a sidewalk news conference revealing the names of the "DC's Most Dangerous Dozen Child Molesting Clerics" - 12 proven, admitted &/or credibly accused predator priests who

--are still alive and presumably a threat to children now,

--are or were working and or living in the District of Columbia BUT

--are NOT on the official DC Catholic archdiocesan 'credibly accused' list.

They will also release copies of two letters they're sending:

--one to DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb, urging him to launch a 'thorough, full-scale investigation, like 25 other AGs across the US have done, into Catholic clergy sex crimes and cover-ups in the Washington DC archdiocese,’ and

--one to DC Cardinal Wilton Gregory, urging him to add those names, and dozens of others, to his “woefully inaccurate and inadequate” list of 'credibly accused' abusive clerics on the archdiocesan website.






Diocese of Oakland priest accused of child sexual abuse in a current lawsuit still in ministry in Orinda

For immediate release July 1, 2023

Diocese of Oakland priest accused of child sexual abuse in a current lawsuit still in ministry in Orinda

As far as SNAP can tell, the faithful were never alerted and the cleric was never suspended

Survivors’ group wonders why the promises of the Dallas Charter were ignored?

Victims and advocates urge Bishop Michael Barber to be transparent with the parishioners of his Diocese and the public and explain why this happened

Clergy sex abuse victims presser Friday 6/30 @ 2:15 in Peoria

(For Immediate Release June 29, 2023) 


New pedophile priests are exposed

Victims want Peoria bishop to post ten more names

SNAP: “Kids aren’t safe until church ‘comes clean’ on abuse

Whistleblowers & victims are urged to ‘keep coming forward


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, a clergy sex abuse victim will blast Peoria’s Catholic bishop for refusing to add the names of ten publicly accused child molesting clerics to the ‘credibly accused’ abusers list posted on his website.

--Two of them have never been ‘outed’ here even though they were in the Peoria Diocese, and

--Eight of them Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul urged Peoria’s bishop to add last month.

The victim will also

--call on all Catholic church members and employees to, 'for the safety of kids and the healing of victims,' circulate the names of the offenders and urge their church officials to do ‘more aggressive outreach to anyone who may have seen suspected or suffered their crimes,’ and

--urge anyone with information about or suspicions of clergy sex crimes to “keep coming forward to police and prosecutors, not to church figures.”

Abuse victims to leaflet Decatur churches 9:30 & 10a.m. - Fri 6/30

(For Immediate Release June 29, 2023)


New pedophile priests are exposed

SNAP: ‘15 of them were in Decatur

Group to leaflet two local Catholic churches

Fliers ask parishioners to “spread the word” about clerics

Whistleblowers & victims are urged to ‘keep coming forward



Holding signs and childhood photos, a clergy sex abuse victim will

--disclose the names of more than a dozen proven, admitted or credibly accused abusive clerics who are or were in the Decatur area (based on a recent Illinois attorney general’s report, mainstream media accounts and Catholic church records),

--highlight several who are still alive and may still live in the area, and

-give leaflets to passers-by and put them on cars and homes to warn parents about several of the clerics who are still alive and may still be in the area.

He will also 

--call on all Catholic church members and employees to, 'for the safety of kids and the healing of victims,' circulate the names of the offenders and urge their church officials to do ‘more aggressive outreach to anyone who may have seen suspected or suffered their crimes,’ and

--urge anyone with information about or suspicions of clergy sex crimes to “keep coming forward to police and prosecutors, not to church figures.”


Advocates comment following the resignation of Bishop Richard Stika of the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville, TN

June 28, 2023

  Press Conference

When:  June 29, 2023, 9:00 a.m. EDT


Where:  Hilton Garden Inn, 216 Peregrine Way, Knoxville, TN 37922   (865) 690-6511



  • Susan Vance, a Tennessee leader of SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)
  • Patrick A. Thronson, Attorney for the Plaintiff, John Doe v. the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville and Bishop Richard Stika, Janet, Janet, & Suggs, LLC, Baltimore, MD
  • John Spragens, Attorney for the Plaintiff, John Doe v. the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville and Bishop Richard Stika, Spragens Law PLC, Nashville, TN
  • Andrew C. Fels, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Jane Doe v. the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville and Anthony Punnackal, Fels Law
  • Dave Wells, former Director of Religious Education at Sacred Heart Cathedral


Why:  Commentary from attorneys as well as advocates following the resignation of Bishop Richard Stika of the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville, TN


Join the complete press conference on Zoom: ( You can sign into the meeting as early as 8:00 a.m. and will be let into the press conference at 9:00 a.m.  This will be recorded as well and made available to be seen later.


Summary: Pope Francis yesterday, June 27, 2023, confirmed the resignation of Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee.  At this press conference, you will hear from key players in the events that will unfold in this saga in Knoxville. There will be time for questions at the end. 



New York Times:’’


Knoxville News Sentinel


Statement from Bishop Richard Stika

Statement from Archbishop Shelton Fabre

Contact:  Susan Vance, SNAP Leader Tennessee (865-748-3518  [email protected] Mike McDonnell, SNAP Interim Executive Director (267-261-0578 [email protected])


SNAP urges the Diocese of Oakland to publish the names of all of those accused in recently filed lawsuits

For immediate release June 20, 2023


SNAP urges the Diocese of Oakland to publish the names of all of those accused in recently filed lawsuits


Clergy abuse victims and advocates demand that Bishop Michael Barber withdraw his request to the bankruptcy court to keep this information "confidential," saying that bankruptcy should not be used to hide child sex crimes


The group will also again beg AG Rob Bonta to publish a report about what his office has uncovered about the abuse of boys and girls in Catholic California


WHAT: Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and advocates will:


-- Urge the Diocese of Oakland to publish the names of the accused and information about their assaults for all of those who have been named in lawsuits under the recent child victims act;

-- Demand that Bishop Michael Barber rescind his request to the federal bankruptcy court to hide those names; and

-- Renew their call for Attorney General Rob Bonta to publish a report about what he has found regarding the sexual abuse of boys and girls in the Catholic Church in California.

WHEN: June 20, 2023, at 10 AM

WHERE: On the public sidewalk outside the United States Bankruptcy Court,1300 Clay Street, Oakland

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