SNAP Media Events

PA--Victims: “Chaput must honor Francis’ new commitments”

Pope’s promise to “end secrecy” means Chaput must act, group says
SNAP: Pontiff’s ‘accountability’ pledge means “enablers” must be punished
Self-help organization wants three recent local abuse cases to be “re-examined”
Holding signs and childhood photos, after Pope Francis has ended his historic US visit, clergy sex abuse victims will urge Philly area Catholics and their church officials to honor and act on the promises he made. Specifically, the victims will urge Archbishop Charles Chaput to
-- discipline even a few priests who hid or ignored child sex crimes, and
-- disclose more about and “re-visit” three recent clergy sex abuse cases.

Victims: “Bishops must now honor Francis’ new commitments”

Pope’s promise to “end secrecy” means prelates must act, group says

SNAP: Pontiff’s ‘accountability’ pledge means “enablers” must be punished

Self help organization wants two ---three recent local abuse cases to be “re-examined



Holding signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse victims will urge all US Catholic bishops – including DC’s archbishop - to honor and act on the promises Pope Francis made yesterday. Specifically, the victims will urge America’s bishops and DC Archbishop Donald Wuerl to

-- disclose names of church staff who CONCEALED child sex crimes,

-- disclose (and post on church websites) names of clerics who COMMITTED child sex crimes, and

-- publicly “defrock, demote or at least discipline” the “enablers.’

They will also prod Wuerl to disclose more about and “re-visit” three recent clergy sex abuse cases.

PA--Victims to Pope: “Stop bishops’ lobbying”

SNAP: “Prelates fight secular child safety bills

Battles are being waged in places Francis visits: PA, DC & NY

“Chaput uses flock’s donations to protect predators,” group says

It begs church-goers: “Donate elsewhere until real change happens”

SNAP: “As Francis talks of ‘protecting families,’ bishops ‘fight them in court’”


Holding signs and childhood photos, after Francis’ mass, clergy sex abuse victims will

--urge the pope to make his bishops, in PA & elsewhere, stop blocking better child safety laws,

PA--SNAP: “Pope’s callous praise of bishops opens new wounds”

On eve of pope’s trip in Philly, group to hold small vigil

They remember hundreds of victims who committed suicide

SNAP: “Pope’s callous praise of bishops opens new wounds

Organization says papal visit “provokes pain in thousands

It begs victims to “reach out, get therapy, and call loved ones


Holding signs and childhood photos of suicide at a sidewalk vigil, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will

--remember and honor adults who were molested as kids and took their own lives,

--express support and concern for other victims who are suffering because of Pope Francis’s visit and the laudatory attention the Catholic hierarchy is enjoying, and

--blast Pope Francis for his recent remarks praising US bishops for their actions in the abuse and cover up crisis.

NY--As pope arrives in NYC, group to hold small vigil

They remember hundreds of victims who committed suicide

SNAP: Pope’s callous defense of bishops opens new wounds

Organization says papal visit “provokes pain in hundreds”

They beg victims to “reach out, get therapy, call loved ones”


Holding signs and childhood photos of suicide at a sidewalk vigil, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will 

--remember and honor adults who were molested as kids and took their own lives, and

--express support and concern for other victims who are suffering because of Pope Francis’s visit and the laudatory attention the Catholic hierarchy is enjoying.

Washington, DC-Victims urge Congress to investigate Catholic abuse/cover up scandal

SNAP: “100,000 US clergy abuse victims, but federal officials do nothing

Group applauds governmental investigations and reports in other countries

Two United Nations panels have done probes and attacked church hierarchy

Organization says “Welcoming Francis is fine but, for kids’ sake, challenge him too


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will blast US federal officials for “doing nothing” about the on-going child molestation and cover up scandal in the church. They will call on

--Congress to hold hearings into the crisis, and

--the Justice Department to make crime-fighting funds to states contingent on reforming archaic child safety laws.

NY--SNAP: “Church officials fight secular child safety bills”

Victims to Pope: “Stop bishops’ lobbying”

SNAP: “Prelates fight secular child safety bills”

Battles are now being waged in each place Francis visits

“Church uses flock’s donations to protect predators,” group says

It begs church-goers: “Donate elsewhere until real change happens”

SNAP: “As Francis ‘talks nice’ with lawmakers, bishops ‘quietly fight dirty’”



Holding signs and childhood photos, while Francis meets with politicians in DC, clergy sex abuse victims will hand fliers to church-goers. They will also

--urge Francis to make bishops stop blocking secular child safety law reforms,

--urge lawmakers (federal and state) to ignore bishops’ “self-serving” lobbying efforts, and

--urge Catholics to donate elsewhere until their church officials push for, not against, better laws that protect kids, expose predators and punish enablers.

Such legislative struggles are pending in each place Francis will visit: New York, Pennsylvania and DC.

Washington DC--Organization says papal visit “provokes pain in hundreds”

As pope arrives, group to hold small vigil

 They remember victims who committed suicide

 SNAP: “Many who’ve been assaulted are hurting now”

 Organization says papal visit “provokes pain in hundreds”

 It urges victims to “reach out, get therapy, call loved ones”


Holding signs and childhood photos of suicide victims at a sidewalk vigil, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will

--remember and honor adults who were molested as kids and took their own lives, and

--express support and concern for other victims who are suffering because of Pope Francis’s visit and the laudatory attention the Catholic hierarchy is enjoying.

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