SNAP Media Events

WI--As bankruptcy ends Monday, Milwaukee deaf survivors asking Archbishop Listecki to join them in meeting with Pope

As bankruptcy ends Monday, Milwaukee deaf survivors asking Archbishop Listecki to join them in meeting with Pope

Nearly five year old bankruptcy may end at Monday morning hearing for 575 survivors who filed cases

Deaf survivors say “major issues and concerns about justice, criminal fraud and financial mismanagement remain uninvestigated and unresolved”     

WI--Milwaukee's 575 victims of clergy child sex assault preparing for Monday's final bankruptcy settlement hearing

Milwaukee's 575 victims of clergy child sex assault preparing for Monday's final bankruptcy settlement hearing

Plan will leave major issues, including identities, case histories and locations of dozens of alleged offenders secret

Settlement will also stop investigation into former Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s $60 million Cemetery “Fraud” Trust


Victim/survivors of childhood rape, sexual assault and abuse by priests of the Milwaukee Archdiocese will be attending a final confirmation hearing for the nearly five year old Milwaukee archdiocese bankruptcy and will be conducting a press conference on the steps of the Federal Courthouse after the hearing.  Survivors are also available for comment this weekend (see contact information below).   

MA--Boston--SNAP to Cardinal O’Malley

The Church needs to do more to protect children, help survivors, as well as live up to its promise of being open and transparent.


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, Boston clergy sex abuse victims will be speaking out after the premiere of the movie “Spotlight”  here in Boston this weekend, and giving their personal feelings viewing it, along with what action the church needs to take to protect children and help wounded survivors.   

IL--Victims to leaflet at Southside church

Victims to leaflet at Southside church

Prominent pastor faces recent abuse charges

Despite these serious allegations, he’s still on the job

Group wants him removed “for the safety of other kids

SNAP to congregants: “Protect innocent children, not accused clergy


Before a church service, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will pass out leaflets to parishioners asking them to:

–urge their church officials to remove an accused predator from the pulpit, and

–beg anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes to contact the authorities;

They will also remind congregants to:

--reach out to family members and friends who may have been victimized, and

--make sure that survivors are not suffering alone and in silence.


IL--Accused prominent pastor is arraigned

Accused prominent pastor is arraigned

As recently as last year, he reportedly assaulted girl

SNAP: “High profile minister is still on the job in a church now!”

He’s been in leadership posts with national Baptist organization


Holding signs and childhood photos outside an arraignment hearing for an accused, prominent predatory pastor, clergy sex abuse victims will

-- praise the brave teen who reported wrongdoing and denounce those who allow the accused to remain in ministry, and

-- beg “anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered” the minister’s crimes to call police immediately.  

MO--SNAP to new church head: "Stop exploiting legal technicalities"

New settlement involves convicted priest

Two victims of notorious predator resolve case

But Catholic officials are fighting against a third victim

SNAP to new church head: "Stop exploiting legal technicalities"

Church lawyers still minimize young girl “up skirt” photos, group says


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will disclose that two more cases against KC’s most notorious predator priest have settled.

MO--Victims want warnings about priests who now live elsewhere

New bishop should act on two accused clerics

Group says it’s willing to meet with new prelate

But only on one condition: “Take prevention steps 1st”

SNAP to Johnston: “That will be “a sign of good faith”

Victims want warnings about priests who now live elsewhere


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will

--challenge the new head of the Kansas City MO (KC) Catholic diocese to warn others about three accused clerics,

--offer to meet with him, but ONLY if he takes “tangible prevention steps first,” and

--warn KC citizens and Catholics against complacency just because Bishop Robert Finn is gone.

They will also try to hand deliver a letter outlining their concerns to the new bishop.

IL--SNAP: “Bishops warn bishops about him but not the public”

Priest who was here last year is accused

Allegation comes from internal church memo

He’s the 7th Belleville priest “outed” this year for first time

Group will write their names on church headquarters sidewalk

Six of them are “credibly accused child molesters,” church admits

“Continuing secrecy violates Pope Francis’ latest promises,” group says


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will

--disclose an internal US Bishop Conference memo – under the heading “WARNING” – that names a never-before-accused priest who worked in the Belleville diocese last year,

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