SNAP Media Events
IL--New archbishop ignores victims
Cupich has been in office for two months now
Group has twice invited him to a town hall meeting
Victims are disappointed that he refuses to respond
On anniversary of his installation they’ll leaflet outside church
SNAP: Cleric is still in a parish despite two child sex accusations
Group will hand fliers to mass-goers inviting them to attend an open meeting
On the two month anniversary of the new archbishop’s installation, clergy sex abuse victims and concerned Catholics will hand fliers to church-goers urging them – and him – to come to a “town hall meeting” about a twice-accused predator priest who is still on the job.
IL Victims to leaflet at Orthodox cathedral, Chicago
Victims to leaflet at Orthodox cathedral
Seminarian charged with soliciting sex with a minor
SNAP: “Church officials should reach out to others in pain”
They ask parishioners to prod clerics to take “effective child safety steps”
After a church service, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will pass out leaflets to parishioners begging them to:
--urge their church officials to reach out to all parishes and institutions where an arrested seminarian worked, and
--beg anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes to contact the police;
They will also
--insist that church officials run criminal background checks on all clergy, seminarians, and employees or volunteers who work with kids,
--immediately report allegations of criminal behavior to the police; and
--publicize and simplify procedures for reporting clergy sex crimes.
WA- Alleged predator priest is sued
He’s never been publicly “outed” before
Cleric worked in at least 4 Washington towns
One case has been filed, another one will be soon
SNAP: “He now lives among unsuspecting families” in Nevada
"Are there other child sex cases under the radar?” group asks
Victims challenge Seattle Catholic hierarchy about “openness”
SNAP to Cupich: “Come meet with us”
SNAP to Cupich: “Come meet with us”
Group wants “town hall” event about cleric
He’s on the job despite two child sex accusations
And police have a pending investigation into him
Group will hand fliers to mass-goers inviting them too
As Chicago’s new archbishop says mass at a local parish, concerned Catholics and clergy sex abuse victims will hand fliers to church-goers urging them – and the archbishop - to attend a “town hall meeting” about a twice-accused predator priest who is still on the job despite a pending criminal investigation into the allegations. They will also prod the archbishop to
--temporarily suspend the accused child molesting cleric,
--go next weekend to a parish where the accused priest works now, and
--discipline all archdiocesan staff who have let the priest stay in the parish.
Sunday, Dec. 7, 11:00 a.m.
Outside St. Clement’s Catholic Church (642 W Deming Pl, Chicago, IL 60614).
Four to five members of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
CA--Psychiatrist accused of sexual abuse
Psychiatrist accused of sexual abuse
At least three women say he violated them
One settled a lawsuit with his former employer
He’s a defrocked priest; abuse cases against him have settled
Hospital should not let him practice or see patients, group urges
And state medical board should review allegations soon, SNAP says
Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, child sex abuse victims and their supporters will hand-deliver a letter to the head of a local mental health center that employs a psychiatrist who has been accused of sexually abusing at least three girls. They will:
- Tell how the priest’s supervisors settled a sex abuse lawsuit with at least one victim, and
- Hand out copies of the former priest’s personnel file that outlined the abuse and settlement.
They will also:
- Demand that the psychiatrist be removed from his position at a local psychiatric facility,
- Beg hospital administrators to reach out to his current and former patients telling them about the allegations, and
- Urge the hospital to file a complaint against him with the California State Medical Board.
IL: Victims to leaflet as Archbishop Cupich celebrates mass
Victims to leaflet archbishop’s mass
They want “prevention, not symbolism”
As Chicago’s new archbishop says mass at a Spanish-speaking parish, concerned Catholics and clergy sex abuse victims will hand fliers to church-goers urging them to
--push Archbishop Blasé Cupich to disclose records about all Chicago sexual predator priests, especially those who worked in Spanish-speaking churches
--aggressively seek out others who saw, suspected or suffered sex crimes.
The victims will also prod Cupich to
--go next weekend to a parish where a twice–accused priest is still on the job.
Sunday, Nov. 30, 11:30 a.m.
Outside St. Agnes of Bohemia Church, 2650 S. Central Park (at the corner of 27th Street)
Four to five members of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
IL--Victims to leaflet archbishop's mass
Victims to leaflet archbishop’s mass
They want “prevention, not symbolism”
“Disclose records on notorious predator,” they urge
SNAP: “Catholic officials are still hiding important documents”
Cupich should also apologize to fired whistleblower, victims say
And they urge him to go next to a parish where an accused cleric still works
As Chicago’s new archbishop says mass at a notorious pedophile priest’s former parish, concerned Catholics and clergy sex abuse victims will hand fliers to church-goers urging them to
--push Archbishop Blasé Cupich to disclose records about the predator, and
--aggressively seek out others who saw, suspected or suffered his crimes.
The victims will also prod Cupich to
--apologize to a female school principal and whistleblower who was fired, and
--go next weekend to a parish where a twice–accused priest is still on the job.
OR--Group challenges archbishop on abuse
Group challenges archbishop on abuse
A twice-accused coach is still on the job
He was fired years ago for credible allegations
Central Catholic principal has kept this hidden
SNAP: “Archdiocesan officials should oust them both”
And they should “aggressively seek out to other victims witnesses & whistleblowers”
Organization also wants “user-friendly” list of predators’ names on church websites
Holding signs and children’s photos at a sidewalk news conference, two leaders of a support group for clergy sex abuse victims will prod Portland’s top Catholic official to suspend two staff at the only archdiocesan high school. One is a coach who was fired once for child sex abuse allegations and twice faced criminal child sex abuse charges. The other is the principal who has apparently kept silent about the coach’s past.
The group also wants Portland’s archbishop to use church resources to
-- Aggressively seek out others who may have seen, suspected or suffered the coach’s alleged crimes, and
-- permanently post on his church websites – in an easily searchable format - the names of all proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics.