SNAP Media Events

TN--Abuse victims to leaflet mass-goers

Abuse victims to leaflet mass-goers

Support group challenges bishop on abuse

SNAP: Catholic officials should be more forthcoming

Victims want diocese to post predators’ names on websites

They’re worried most about an accused predator who fled overseas


As church-goers enter mass, leaders of a support group for clergy sex abuse victims will hand out fliers. The leaflets urge Catholic church officials and members to

-- more aggressively seek out others who may have seen, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes and

-- prod them to call police and prosecutors.

They also want church officials to make a special effort to

-- warn others about a Chicago priest who spent time in Memphis and

--find an accused predator priest who fled overseas, and

Finally, they will also ask Memphis’ bishop and pastors to permanently post on church websites the names of all proven, admitted and credibly accused Memphis area child molesting clerics.

When: Sunday, November 9, at 11:45 a.m.    


AR--Group challenges LR bishop on abuse

Group challenges bishop on abuse

They’re worried about recently ousted priest

SNAP: Catholic officials should seek out other victims

Predator’s whereabouts should be disclosed, group says

And victims want diocese to post predators’ names on websites


Holding signs and children’s photos at a sidewalk news conference, leaders of a support group for clergy sex abuse victims will prod Arkansas’ top Catholic official to take more action about a recently-ousted priest who engaged in sexual misconduct. Specifically, the group wants Arkansas’ bishop to use church resources to

-- more aggressively seek out others who may have seen, suspected or suffered the cleric’s misdeeds,

-- warn prospective employers and others about him, 

-- educate parishioners about adult clergy sexual misconduct, and

-- permanently post on his church websites the names of all proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics.


Saturday, November 8, at 2:00 p.m.    

TN--Sex abuse victims blast Baptist ministers

Sex abuse victims blast Baptist ministers

They “change their tune” in child abuse case

Group says they should be investigated & charged

It says one preacher “clearly filed false police report

SNAP: “Now law enforcement must act to deter deceit

In new court document, minister radically contradicts himself & police


Holding a sign and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, a nationally-known clergy sex abuse victim and advocate will

--disclose a new 15 page court record of sworn answers by a Jackson area minister, 

-- urge law enforcement to investigate and prosecute he and an ex-pastor, and

-- prod anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes  by a convicted sex offender and church member who is accused of more crimes to call police, protect others, expose wrongdoers, deter deceit and start healing.”  

MO-Minister loses bid to reverse big verdict

Minister loses bid to reverse big verdict


Two have accused high profile Protestant preacher

One alleged victim issues her 1st public statement

Clergyman was on State Board of Education recently

One abuse case against him went to trial in August

A second lawsuit - alleging child sex abuse - was resolved

His church was ordered to pay $350,000 to one alleged victim

Group urges that his board fire him & other clerics ostracize him

SNAP: “If you’ve seen, suspected or suffered abuse by him, come forward

MO--Victims to leaflet Cathedral


Victims to leaflet Cathedral

Two serial predator priests worked there

Both clerics were involved in recent settlement

They’re still priests, still alive and still in Kansas City

Group wants to warn parishioners & public about them

And victims vow: “After settlement, we’ll still be vigilant!”

SNAP: “Bishop should post predators’ names on his website


As parishioners enter/leave mass, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will hand out fliers. The leaflets urge parishioners to ask their loved ones if they were hurt by

--two credibly accused serial predator priests who worked at the cathedral and were involved in the recent $10 million settlement, or

--any of the other 23 publicly accused KC area predator priests. 

For the safety of kids, they will also urge ‘

--KC's Catholic bishop to permanently post names of predator priests on his website, and 

--anyone who saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes to call police, not priests. 


Sunday, Nov. 2 at 11:30 a.m.




NE-- Victims prod archbishop to act


Victims prod archbishop to act

Two Omaha priests were "outed" this week as predators

Catholic officials say one faced "substantiated” accusations

Group worries about victims of two other former Nebraska clerics

It urges anyone who "saw, suspected or suffered" abuse to speak up

And it wants church staff to post offenders' names on archdiocesan websites


As parishioners enter/leave mass, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will hand out fliers to them. The leaflets urge parishioners to ask loved ones if they were hurt by four credibly accused Omaha priests who worked in eastern Nebraska but molested elsewhere so have gotten little or no public attention in the Omaha area. (All of the clerics were recently "outed" as predators.) 

For the safety of kids, they will also urge 

--Omaha's archbishop to post names of predator priests on his website, and 

--anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes to call police, not priests.


MO--Lawsuit vs. abusive minister & ex-radio host settles

Lawsuit vs. abusive minister & ex-radio host settles

One of his victims will speak publicly for the first time

He sexually repeatedly exploited her during counseling

He surrendered his psychologist’s license to state officials

But he’s now around “vulnerable adults” as hospice chaplain

Last month, he was honored by a large local funeral home chain

And he also reportedly worked for Cardinals & Seattle Mariners

SNAP urges others who “saw, suspected or suffered” misdeeds to “speak up


Holding signs and a photo of an alleged offender at a sidewalk news conference, a woman who was sexually exploited by a minister, ex- psychologist, ex-St. Louis Cardinals consultant and ex-KMOX radio talk show host will

-- blast a funeral home & hospice provider for honoring the minister last month,

-- discuss, for the first time, her civil lawsuit against the minister and his church, and

– disclose that the suit has settled and that his psychologist’s license has been revoked, and

-- prod anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered his misdeeds to speak up, expose wrongdoing, and protect others.   

MO- KC abuse victim who endured 2 week trial speaks out

Dozens of his family and friends rally around him

Victims also push KC church officials to do more about 2 ousted priests

They are still priests, were part of new settlement, and now live out of state


Surrounded by relatives and friends, the KC man who endured a two week clergy sex abuse and cover up trial will speak for the first time publicly about the ordeal and how he was treated by church lawyers.

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