SNAP Media Events

MD- Clergy abuse victims to leaflet outside big Baptist meeting

They want independent review of clergy abuses & cover-ups 

And they warn more lawsuits will happen if officials don't act 


Holding signs and childhood photos, child sex abuse victims and their supporters will hand out fliers about child molesting clerics to church members attending the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting. The leaflets urge Baptists to:

Geneva- Clergy sex victim available on Friday re UN report

Second UN panel to judge Vatican for child sex crimes & cover ups

Geneva-based Committee Against Torture releases report Friday morning

A clergy sex abuse victim with SNAP will be available for interviews in Geneva

On Friday, May 23 from 10:30 a.m. until 2 or 3 p.m., Miguel Hurtado will be available for interviews about the United Nations Committee Against Torture's new report on clergy sexual violence and cover ups in the Catholic church.

CA- Church must do more about 2 priests, victims say

Church must do more about 2 priests, victims say

They release, for the first time, a 25 page police report

Bishop should say where the alleged predators are now

And both should be put in treatment centers, victims say

SNAP: “Top Catholic official should visit affected parishes

Soto must beg victims & witnesses to speak up, group insists

Victims want “real outreach” that will help law enforcement


Holding signs and childhood  photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will prod Sacramento's Catholic bishop to do more about two priests who, within the last year, have been investigated by police about alleged child sex crimes.

MI- Victims to leaflet statewide church meeting

Victims to leaflet statewide church meeting

They worry about predator at Methodist college

As a teacher, he admitted molesting two teenagers

He's accused of impregnating one & giving her an STD

SNAP to ministers: “Don't be like the 'do nothing' Catholics”

“Pressure college president & warn your flocks,” victims urge

Holding signs and childhood photos, child sex abuse victims will hand fliers to Methodist ministers and congregants from across Michigan at their annual conference. The leaflets urge church officials and members to; 

PA- Victims to leaflet Catholic cathedral

Victims to leaflet Catholic cathedral

They draw attention to one more predator

 He abused elsewhere but also worked in Pittsburgh

 His presence & crimes have not been publicized here, group maintains

 SNAP to bishop: “Come clean now about your own child molesting clerics!”

 SNAP: “Every Catholic should ask their loved ones 'Did any priest hurt you?'


As parishioners leave mass, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will hand fliers out that;

PA- In widening scandal, victims want more abuse outreach

In widening scandal, victims want more abuse outreach

Eight child molesting clerics are “outed” in just 5 weeks

SNAP: “Bishop should write ALL parochial school alums”

Group also wants officials to post predators' work histories

Zubik should also “personally visit every place where they worked,” victims say

Holding childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy abuse victims and advocates will react to a growing scandal involving at least eight recently exposed child molesting clerics. They will also prod Pittsburgh's Catholic bishop to;

WA- Victims challenge archbishop on two clerics

Victims challenge archbishop on two clerics 

One reportedly molested more than 50 children

He's now in Hawaii; the other one's in Washington 

Local Catholic officials are secretive about both predators 

Group praises two Catholic lay people for blasting Sartain 

SNAP: “Other 'church insiders' should also speak up now


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will blast Seattle's Catholic archbishop over his “reckless and continuing secrecy” in clergy sex cases and urge him to;

MI- Victims file complaint vs. professor

He admitted molesting two teenaged girls

His former employer was forced to pay $1.6 million

But he works now at a MI college & no one was warned

Group wants Methodists, who meet there this week, to act

SNAP: “Church officials should at least alert others about him”

He is also accused of impregnating one girl & giving her an STD 


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, child sex abuse victims and advocates will disclose that they are;

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