WY--SNAP responds: Bishop Hart found credibly accused in Cheyenne diocese
For immediate release: July 2, 2018
Statement by: Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Regional Leader: 636-433-2511, [email protected]
We commend the victims who reported their accusations of sex abuse naming Bishop Joseph Hart. Plus we are encouraged that Cheyenne Bishop Steven Biegler declared the allegations are credible.
This action also helps to validate those victims who have credible allegations against Hart while he was located in the Kansas City-St Joseph diocese in Kansas City. Mo.
No matter how long ago the abuse happened, the courage of survivors telling their story provides hope for healing and protecting children today.
We ask anyone who has been abused to report to the police. Or if you have a reasonable suspicion of abuse, please report to law enforcement.
We also urge Cheyenne Bishop Biegler and Kansas City-St Joseph Bishop James V. Johnston to visit all the parishes where Hart was located and reach out to anyone who may have knowledge or may have been harmed by Hart, and encourage them to contact law enforcement. The police are the proper officials to be investigating child sex crimes.
(SNAP, the Survivors Network, is the world's oldest and largest support group for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings. SNAP was founded in 1988 and has more than 25,000 supporters. Our website is SNAPnetwork.org )
Contact - Judy Jones, (636-433-2511, [email protected]), Tim Lennon (415-312-5820, [email protected]), Becky Ianni (703-801-6044, [email protected])