We're excited about the Royal Commission in Australia
In the day since the Royal Commission into Child Abuse began, the commission has already received word that at least 5000 people want to give evidence. This is exciting news.
It’s a sad fact that most of these people will probably not be able to tell their individual stories to the Commission, but the fact that they are coming forward at all is a great sign. While it’s likely that many of these people have already been public about their abuse in the past, it’s equally likely that this commission has given many survivors the courage to break their silence and come forward to say “yes, it happened to me too.”
At the same time, we fear that the number of victims still trapped by their secrecy is ten times the number of those who have come forward. And what we want more than anything is all victims to be heard and counted.
It’s important that people understand the scope of the crimes and cover-up that occur with institutional abuse, and so it’s equally important that all whistleblowers and witnesses follow the example set by these 5000 victims and find the courage to come forward as well. The consequences of these decisions are public and decisive but above all necessary to stop this behavior in the future.
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Could you please explain the specific “mission statement” of the Royal Commission into Child Abuse for me? I admit that while I know they will be listening to victims, beyond that, I don’t know what powers or actions that this commission can take or merely, suggest?
I know that all victims being able to come forward is a laudable goal for SNAP and other like-minded groups; but not knowing if all will ever be heard, and not knowing if there will still be many who simply cannot come forward (and, I personally, hold nothing “against” them, if they cannot), I am still interested in knowing what the designated task(s) and goal and/or specific end result of this commission is. (e.g. new secular laws?)
Thank you.
Lani Halter
Please remember: Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:41, and Luke 17:2 and please note, Christ was talking to interested and concerned adults in these scriptures.
I’m just writing to ask if there is any more news of the commencement of The Royal Commission into Child Abuse in Australia. I know, it’s only been 4 days…but, it’s hard to be patient for good news.
Thank you, if you have any news to report.
Lani Halter
And, I will pray again, for all those who were abused but have not been able, and may never be able to come forward.
I feel in this new day of accountability, of greater and greater public awareness that it’s quite possible that as many who do come forward, there are equally as many who have already died as a direct result of such heinous physical and mental assault.
I believe there are those who will never be able to overcome the abuse, and who will commit murder and/or suicide to seek relief. I can barely believe that, but I do. And, because I do believe that, I agree with the International Criminal Court who are going to be charging these perpetrators with: “crimes against humanity”.
And, I also believe it is why Christ counseled as he did in the Holy Gospels: in Luke 17:2, Mark 9:41 and Matthew 18:6. that such perpetrators deserve death by drowning. That the perpetrators would be better off dead, than being allowed to continue living.
Remember: Christ’s words found in the bible:
Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:41 and Luke 17:2.