You will be receiving a receipt via e-mail, but in the mean time we'd like to extend our thanks for your participation in the 2015 SNAP Conference program. You help create a momentum for survivors, their loved ones and supporters that is so important to the SNAP community.
If you haven't submitted your ad yet, it is due by Tuesday, June 2nd! This is a hard deadline. We are unable to run ads in the program book that are unpaid after this date.
There are two ways to place your ad:
1. E-mail your fully designed ad with at least 300 dpi resolution to [email protected] (PDF, JPEG, Word or Publisher Documents are all acceptable.) Want to use the same ad as last year? Let us know! We have it saved.
2. Snail mail a hard copy of your ad to the office at PO Box 6416 Chicago IL 60680. (We cannot guarantee the resolution will be the best quality after it has been scanned. For this reason we recommend e-mailing your ad.)