SNAP responds to promotion of controversial bishop

Dozens of times, Benedict has made the same unwise, unhealthy and hurtful decision to promote clerics who are guilty or accused of wrongdoing. With Mixa, he's doing it again. 

The message that church employees get is clear: misdeeds won't stop you from climbing the clerical ladder. Whether that's the intention or not, that's the signal that's sent and received.

For the sake of vulnerable kids, wounded victims and betrayed Catholics, we urge the pope to stop elevating alleged wrongdoers and start elevating men with better track records on children's safety.


Read the story here:

Showing 4 comments

  • Jeannie Guzman
    commented 2012-03-22 17:55:13 -0500
    Here’s my post in Dutch: Waar zijn deze mythische leden van de hiërarchie met "Better records op de veiligheid van kinderen? Zijn ze onzichtbaar? Zijn ze Fox’s Book van de heiligen? Zijn ze met spoed naar een andere planeet door buitenaardse wezens? Als de paus ziet er echt hard, ik wed dat hij kan ’niet vinden alle! Maar wiens schuld is dat? zijn schuld of de schuld van zijn verleden voorgangers? Misschien is de paus zal moeten zoeken buiten zijn Neanderthaler Hiërarchie aan een te vinden!
  • Jeannie Guzman
    commented 2012-03-22 17:53:33 -0500
    Where are these mythical Members of the Hierarchy with "Better records on children’s safety? Are they invisible? Are they Fox’s Book of Saints? Have they been spirited off to another planet by aliens? If the Pope looks really hard, I bet he can’t find any! But, whose fault is that? His fault or the fault of his past predecessors? Maybe the Pope will need to search outside of his Neanderthal Hierarchy to find any!
  • Robert Hartley
    commented 2012-03-22 15:59:38 -0500
    you should translate this post into German and/or Latin and send it directly to B16.
  • Joelle Casteix
    published this page in Official SNAP Media Statements 2012-03-22 13:54:19 -0500

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