SNAP responds to abuse report against Marianist brother in Cincinnati

Whatever became of all those promises by Catholic officials to be 'open' about pedophile priests? And that 'one strike and you're out' pledge?

This case, like so many others, is proof that almost nothing is changing about how the church hierarchy deals with dangerous child predators.

Top Catholic staffers - in the Cincinnati archdiocese and the Marianists - owe Ohio citizens and Catholics an apology and an explanation for their reckless secrecy.

Read the story here:

Showing 2 comments

  • Gloria Sullivan
    commented 2011-12-06 15:34:16 -0600
    No apology needed.!!!…Just GET OUT. AND THANK GOD YOU HAVE YOUR LIFE BACK.
  • David Clohessy
    published this page in Official SNAP Media Statements 2011-12-06 10:08:00 -0600

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