SNAP responds: Bishop Persico against SOL window
For immediate release, August 30, 2018
Statement by: Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Regional Leader: 636-433-2511, [email protected]
The explosive revelations of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report have forced bishops across the nation to respond. Bishop Perisco’s proposal on Statute of Limitation denies fundamental reform.
Bishops no longer get to set the terms. We cannot rely on the church hierarchy to tell the truth or protect children. The voice of the community must be heard.
Yes, dramatic reform or elimination of the statute of limitation laws must be made. We also want a window, a look back window, that allows those who have been cruelly abused to seek justice opening reporting abuses past existing SOL laws. The combination of church coverups and survivor troubles means that many victims are unable to seek justice.
The second element of Bishop Perisco proposal is to set up a fund. Yes, the church must take responsibility for the harm done to hundreds and thousands of children, minors, and vulnerable adults. These survivors need forms of restorative justice, job training, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, etc. But these funds do not deter future crimes, do not expose enablers, do not protect kids. It is insulting to think and act like all that victims want is money. We want the truth exposed we want the crimes prevented.
The real message of Bishop Perisco deters public action. He maintained the coverup for years and perpetuates the practice of coverups of previous bishops in Eire.
Look, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury is an ongoing investigation. Bishop Perisco wants to control the situation—he cannot. We call on every citizen to report sexual abuse to the Attorney General hotline: 888-538-8541.
(SNAP, the Survivors Network, is the world's oldest and largest support group for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings. SNAP was founded in 1988 and has more than 25,000 supporters. Our website is )
Contact - Judy Jones, (636-433-2511, [email protected]), Tim Lennon (415-312-5820, [email protected]), Becky Ianni (703-801-6044, [email protected])