SNAP applauds removal of priest in Pittsburgh

It is a frightening fact that modern technology has greatly closed the gap between predators and children, and we urge parents to be vigilant about what kind of people are contacting their children online.

We are grateful to Pittsburgh law enforcement for looking into this matter and are grateful that Rev. Daniel Valentine has been removed from his parish. Bishop Zubik isn't a police officer or prosecutor. So he has no business minimizing Valentine's actions or claiming they weren't criminal. (It's doubtful law enforcement would be involved if the priest was talking to the child about Hot Wheels or Winnie the Pooh.)

We urge anyone who may have seen, suffered, or suspected Valentine’s misdeeds crimes will come forward and call police.

Read the story here:

Showing 2 comments

  • Michael Ference
    commented 2012-05-31 01:57:27 -0500
    The research is replete with story after story; documenting cover-ups of catholic clergy raping and sodomizing innocent children. However, for these crimes to have been covered up, many times for decades, a certain percentage of government… officials, law enforcement and the judicial system had to eagerly participate. I call it synchronized criminal behavior; similar to organized crime but with the absolute full cooperation of government employees and with no regard for individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of this United States. Bishops, Cardinals, elected officials, law enforcement and judges on all levels have chosen to use the Constitution of the United States to wipe their behinds instead of protecting innocent children from dysfunctional sex freaks.

    My story will not only illustrate the cover-ups, but will document the lucrative jobs, awards and other gifts granted to those who willingly chose to destroy the lives of individuals and their families. More
    The Corruption of Cardinal Wuerl in Jpeg Evidence, Stats & Witnesses
    The Wuerlgate auxiliary site, with jpeg evidence & newspaper links. In re:, as in the Archbishop of Washington and 1} the Sotak
  • Barbara Dorris
    published this page in Official SNAP Media Statements 2012-05-30 10:21:00 -0500

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