Priest is accused of child sex abuse
- Priest is accused of child sex abuse
- Catholic officials “quietly” suspend him
- Victims blast Sacramento bishop for “recklessness”
- SNAP: He’s breaking his pledge to be “open” with sex crimes
- And he’s violating US church policy which mandates “transparency”
- Group begs victims, witnesses and whistleblowers to “come forward now”
Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will
--disclose that Sacramento’s Catholic bishop has just suspended an accused predator priest,
--blast the bishop and other church officials for keeping quiet about it,
--prod them to aggressively seek out others who’ve been victimized by the priest, and
--urge anyone who saw, suspected or suffered crimes - by this cleric or others - to call police.
Monday, October 24 at 2:30 p.m.
Outside the diocese headquarters/chancery office, 2110 Broadway (near 21st Street), in Sacramento
Two-three clergy abuse victims who belong to an international support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (
According to a top Sacramento Catholic official, Fr. William E. Feeser, was quietly suspended earlier this month from Immaculate Conception parish in Sacramento due to a “credible allegation” that he molested a girl. But Feeser is still listed on the parish website today.
Several weeks ago, a young California woman reported to three local diocesan officials that Feeser abused her in the late 1970s. Then, last week, Sacramento diocesan chancellor Kathy Conner emailed the woman saying Feeser has been suspended.
“The (suspension) announcement was done verbally, not in writing,” said Conner. “Our Vicar General attended the masses (at Immaculate Conception) and said that a credible accusation had been made against Fr. Feeser involving a minor. He also said that Fr. Feeser is being removed from ministry pending the outcome of an investigation.”
SNAP is upset because for years, Catholic officials have pledged to be “open” about child sex abuse reports. In 2002, America’s bishops adopted a formal policy promising to be “transparent” and disclose “credible child sex abuse allegations”
The group wants Bishop Jaime Soto to publicly explain and apologize for his “reckless secrecy” and personally visit each place where Feeser worked, begging victims and witnesses to call police with any information they may have about his crimes.
Feeser was also assigned to church positions in the following towns: Carmichael, Vacaville, Davis and five churches in Sacramento (St. Joseph 916 925 3584, St. Robert 916 451 1475, All Hallows 916 456 7206, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 916 481 7441, and Immaculate Conception 916 452 6866). He also worked at the University of California, Davis Medical Center. Fesser was ordained in 1977.
The victim is represented by Sacramento attorney Dr. Joseph C. George Sr. (916 442 7100, [email protected]) but has not filed a civil lawsuit.
Conner can be reached at 916 733 0200, [email protected]. Immaculate Conception is at 3263 First Avenue in Sacramento (916 452 6866).
Several photos of Feeser are available at
David Clohessy 314 566 9790, [email protected], Chico Chavez 916 471 9551, [email protected], Melanie Sakoda 925-708-6175,[email protected]
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as for the website not updated, that is the parish’s responsibility and most are slow at it. they don’t have full time webmasters. I support the victims of priests and SNAP, but you need not to assume so fast.