Pope Francis admits 'serious mistakes' in Chile sex abuse case

By Gerard O’Connell, April 11, 2018, America

In what has the appearance of the beginning of an earthquake in the Chilean church, Pope Francis has sent a strong letter to the Chilean bishops in which he speaks of his “pain and shame” on receiving the report on the abuse scandal in Chile from Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta. He had sent Archbishop Scicluna to listen to the victims of abuse last February.

In the three-page letter, he admits his own “serious mistakes” in dealing with this scandal and asks for forgiveness and goes on to take two dramatic steps: He summons the entire Chilean hierarchy to meet him in the Vatican and invites the three main accusers of Bishop Barros to meet him there too at a different time.

The pope admitted that he had badly misjudged the situation, or as he put it: “I fell into serious errors in the evaluation and perception of the situation, due especially to the lack of true and balanced information.”

He said, “From here on, I ask . . .

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Showing 2 comments

  • John Nesbella
    commented 2018-04-13 09:31:45 -0500
    Did you see the nice pious photo of the bishop of rome with his head down and his hands folded in prayer? This guy and all the other roman bishops and priests are like the guy that comes home drunk every night kicks the dog and beats his wife. Then when the neighbors and police find out and the guy sobers up he is all apologies-I’m so sorry-never happen again! Then the same night he comes home drunk again and beats the wife again. It’s been going on for decades and decades and centuries. The public apologies, staged photos and admissions of sorrow by the roman catholic bishops are nothing but PR stunts and words-nothing more. It gets quite monotonous and insulting to anyone of who is not a moron. Words and public apologies don’t take away the blackened eyes and broken bones. These men are criminals who should be sent to prison AND removed the priesthood and their bishopric. When that happens, I will believe that the hypocrites are not just acting.
  • True Catholic
    commented 2018-04-12 23:26:22 -0500
    So when is the Pope going to send Archbishop Scicluna to Cincinnati Ohio and review the case of Father Jeff Bacon. Why was Auxiliary Bishop Binzer along with several other employees of the Archdiocese told they are not allowed to speak to the parents of the children affected by his actions? Who ordered them not to speak to the parents of this family? Why was Father Bacon not removed from active ministry when first reported in August 2014 for serious allegations involving a minor? Why was Father Bacon suddenly removed from Holy Cross Immaculata in November 2015? Why was Father Bacon allowed to “Resign” from Holy Cross Immaculata and be listed in the bulletin as being on “Medical Leave”? Why has the Archdiocese hired a lawyer to obtain the information in the criminal investigation of Father Bacon? Why did the Vatican Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Vigano never respond to the parents after receiving detailed information concerning this case sent to the Nunciature in November 2015? WHEN is someone going to investigate why this situation is still allowed to happen in our Catholic Church today? Pope Francis, it is TIME for some answers to these and many more documented questions. It is way past time for healing for our family. It is time for this to be made public in the search for further victims.

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