Politician/church officials withholds info. on predator? SNAP responds
An exclusive TV news report says that a Mississippi politician is defending a church that employed an accused and recently-arrested child molester. And this account suggests that Hinds County prosecutors are having trouble getting church officials, including the politician, to divulge information that could help them prosecute that alleged criminal.
The church is Morrison Heights Baptist Church in Clinton MS. The politician is Philip Gunn. And the accused is John Langworthy.
We’re not lawyers or prosecutors. We don’t claim to understand what the law does or doesn’t require when it comes to knowledge or suspicions of child sex crimes in Mississippi. But we’re skeptical when any church official tries to keep information from law enforcement about child sex crimes. And it certainly seems like Mr. Gunn has some explaining to do.
If this news account is right, then this is very troubling. We encourage anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered Langworthy’s crimes to call law enforcement immediately so that he can be effectively prosecuted and so that kids can be effectively safeguarded.
Read more: http://www2.wjtv.com/news/2011/nov/25/expert-disputes-gunns-defense-in-sex-ab-34873-vi-111389/
Read more: http://www2.wjtv.com/news/2011/nov/25/what-philip-gunn-did-in-child-sex-case-19861-vi-111355/
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