News Story of the Day

Commentary: The larger problem of sexual abuse in evangelical circles

By Kathryn Brightbill, Chicago Tribune

We need to talk about the segment of American culture that probably doesn't think the allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore are particularly damning, the segment that will blanch at only two accusations in the Washington Post expose: He pursued a 14-year-old-girl without first getting her parents' permission, and he initiated sexual contact outside of marriage. That segment is evangelicalism. In that world, which Moore travels in and I grew up in, 14-year-old girls courting adult men isn't uncommon.

For Native Americans Facing Sexual Assault, Justice Feels Out Of Reach

By Melodie Edwards, November 15, 2017, NPR 

One morning earlier this year, Northern Arapaho member Rose was sitting at the table with her 14-year-old daughter, Latoya.

"I told her to move her hair because she had her hair like this," said Rose, showing how Latoya pulled her hair over to hide her neck and cheek. "Because I noticed something ... she had marks, hickeys, just completely covering her, even almost on her face."

Child abuse royal commission chairman criticises police, church in speech ahead of report

By Danny Tran, November 14, 2017, ABC News Au

Police forces failed in their duty to protect Australian children because they often refused to believe their complaints about sexual abuse, the royal commission's chairman says.

Child protection agencies also failed to listen to children, leaving them in situations of danger, Justice Peter McClellan said in some of his final remarks before the commission's final sitting.

Warren Jeffs' daughter speaks out for the first time about what she endured in his polygamist cult

By MICHELLE MARK, November 11, 2017,

  • Rachel Jeffs, the daughter of polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs, spoke out on "Megyn Kelly Today" about the sexual abuse she endured at her father's hands when she was a child.
  • Warren Jeffs is the self-described "prophet" of the FLDS Church, a Mormon fundamentalist cult that has been disavowed by mainstream Mormons.
  • He was convicted in 2011 of child sexual assault and is serving a life sentence, though he continues to control the church to this day.
  • Rachel Jeffs, who escaped the church in 2015, said her father began sexually abusing her when she was eight years old.

The Swine of Conservatism

By Ross Douthat, November 11, 2017, New York Times

Lately we have been given an extended education in the different varieties of liberal pigs. There’s the industrial-scale predator who buys indulgences from Planned Parenthood. And the male feminist who respects women so very much — especially when they’re too drunk to resist him. And the Great Man of Letters creeping on his co-workers. And the let-it-all-hang-out artist who thinks it can’t be assault if the only person you’re touching is yourself.

But this week our era of exposure has reminded us that cultural conservatism has its own distinctive swine.

Circle of Accusers Expands in Sexual Misconduct Investigation at Presentation High

By By Vicky Nguyen and Michael Bott, November 9, 2017, NBC Bay Area

The group of teachers and staff accused of sexually assaulting or harassing students at a Catholic high school for girls in San Jose is growing after an explosive essay published in the Washington Post last month described the sexual assault of two students by a former Spanish teacher nearly three decades ago.

Since Presentation High School graduate Kathryn Leehane published that essay, NBC Bay Area’s Investigative Unit has learned of accusations against several other teachers or staff members, including at least one that’s still employed at the school.

Call It What It Is: Child Sexual Abuse

By Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW, November 10, 2017, Huffington Post

The recent allegations about a 1979 incident involving then 32-year old Alabama Assistant District Attorney Roy Moore illustrate, once again, that we are woefully misinformed and misguided about the reality of childhood sexual abuse and assault.
When an adult—whether a teacher, clergy member, coach, or in this case a prosecutor in a courthouse—initiates a sexual conversation or has sexual contact with a minor child, the incident is child sexual abuse, period.


Cracking the Stonewall on a Nun’s Murder: A Reporter’s Story

By Tom Nugent, The Crime Report

It was the kind of moment that an investigative reporter never forgets.

Harsh accusations were told to WJZ by many of [Father] Maskell’s victims. We have spoken with two of these women, and now a third is coming forward with a real bombshell. She told WJZ she was abused not only by Father Maskell, but also by police officers. . . .

Commentary: Sex abuse victims struggle to lose pounds put on as protective measure

By James Fell, Chicago Tribune

I recently wrote a Facebook post asking about sexual abuse and the link to obesity. I thought I might get a few messages, but was surprised when more than 150 people — including a few men — shared their stories.

#MeToo victims’ campaign highlights need to educate parents and protect children from abuse

By Angela Baura, Nov. 7, 2017, South China Morning Post International

The campaign encourages sexual abuse victims to share their experiences and has given millions the courage to open up. We talk to social workers and other experts about the need for communication and to teach parents how to empower their children to reduce the likelihood of it happening to them

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