Guam - Another demonstration was held in front of the Cathedral De Basilica in Hagatna. This time, demonstrators called it a silent protest and had a clear message for Archbishop Anthony Apuron.
News Story of the Day
As pope visit nears, U.S. sex victims say Church remains obstacle to justice
By Scott Malone, September 10, 2015, The Daily Mail
BOSTON, Sept 10 (Reuters) - Mark Rozzi says he was 13, a young altar boy, when a priest at his eastern Pennsylvania parish sexually assaulted him in a shower.
It took Rozzi, who says the priest spent a year grooming him with trips to McDonald's and secretly shared beers, a quarter century to talk about the experience publicly. By then it was too late for any legal action.
Texas church hires pastor after he’s charged with 29 counts of child sex abuse at another church
David Edwards, 09 Sep 2015 at 13:18 ET, Raw Story
Parents in North Texas want to know why a pastor with pending charges of child rape and sodomy in Alabama has been hired by the First Baptist Church of Bedford.
According to Alabama court documents obtained by KDFW, Kyle Adcock faces charges for 29 counts of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl while he was working at Woodward Avenue Baptist Church between 2010 and 2012.
Catholics Protest Outside Cathedral, Express Dismay at Archbishop's Leadership
Written by Janela Carrera, September 8, 2015
The "silent protest" was held Sunday morning outside of the Cathedral de Basilica in Hagatna.
New film casts spotlight on Church abuse
Pope Francis still has to prove the Church is serious about addressing sex abuse by priests, according to the director of a major new film about how the damaging scandal was exposed in the United States.
Tom McCarthy's "Spotlight", a newsroom drama that focuses on how the Boston Globe broke a local story that was to become a global crisis for the Church, had its premiere on Thursday at the Venice Film Festival.
Insights and Outbursts: The Catholic Church's unsung heroes
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
– Lord Acton
I spent a week last month at the Marie Joseph Spiritual Center in Biddeford Pool, Maine, on a directed retreat, speaking with one of the sisters for an hour each day but otherwise, remaining in silence most of the time.
At Marie Joseph, newspapers were available on a table near the entrance to the dining room but I wasn’t interested in news until I read “It’s time to end pattern of deceit and denial on clergy sex abuse cases,” a headline on the July 3-16 issue of the National Catholic Reporter.
Campaign ramps up to lift statute of limitations on child abuse complaints
The Japan Times, August 30, 2015
Requests for legal advice from women who suffered sexual abuse in childhood have been on the increase since a 2014 court ruling that granted a woman’s request for compensation.
Pastor of St. Ann Church in Peoria removed from public ministry amid sex allegations
Braley Dodson, Journal Star, August 26, 2015
Peoria — A local catholic priest is being forced to step down from public ministry following allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor.
Allegations against the Rev. Terry Cassidy, pastor of St. Ann catholic church in Peoria, date back nearly 30 years ago, according to a news release from the catholic diocese of Peoria on Wednesday.
Some victims say archdiocese's plan doesn't go far enough
By Journal Sentinel, August 25, 2015
of theA group of victims with claims in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy on Tuesday criticized its latest reorganization plan as inadequate, saying it does not do enough to ensure the protection of children or hold the archdiocese accountable for its past actions
Why this apology from the Scottish Catholic church rings hollow to me
By Catherine Deveney, Sunday 23 August 2015 03.00 EDT, The Guardian
They process slowly to the altar, Scotland’s Catholic bishops, their elaborate robes and red zucchettos symbols of their power and status. Around them, the light, honey-coloured stone arches of St Andrew’s cathedral in Glasgow soar, Italian-style embellishment spiralling up the slender columns in Madonna-blue paint and gold leaf.
How five unmarried mothers were buried in an unmarked mass grave alongside 796 babies who went missing at Irish nuns' Mother and Baby home of horrors
By Alison O'Reilly, the Irish Mail, August 24, 2015
The mothers were inmates at institution run by Bon Secours nuns, Galway
Historian Catherine Corless says babies were buried in grave behind home
Probe reveals 9 mothers died in home but burial records exist for only four
The Sisters of Bon Secours say it would now be inappropriate to comment