News Story of the Day

Alleged Massachusetts Abuse Victim Requests Outside Judge in Suit, Citing Diocese’s Influence

Springfield, Mass. — Lawyers for an alleged abuse victim in the Diocese of Springfield in Massachusetts have asked the state’s chief justice to assign a special judge from outside western Massachusetts to the case, citing a potential for undue influence from people associated with the diocese. 

When sin runs deep: One Puyallup church, two priests, one awful legacy of child abuse

Twice in the past two years, a Catholic parish in Pierce County has found itself on a list of sin, scandal and modest compensation for great pain. It’s a list that no church wants to show up on.

Wisconsin to investigate state's Catholic dioceses over clergy abuse

MILWAUKEE — Attorney General Josh Kaul plans to launch an investigation into clergy sexual assault across Wisconsin's five Catholic dioceses, perhaps as early as next week.

Former Vermonter files sexual abuse lawsuit against Weston Priory

Aformer Vermont resident has filed a civil lawsuit in Windsor County Superior Court, alleging the Weston Priory and the Jesuits religious order were negligent in allowing him to be sexually abused as a teenager in about 1970.

Victims rally in Harrisburg for bill on sexual abuse lawsuits

Survivors of sexual abuse by priests, teachers and others rallied outside the Capitol in Harrisburg on Monday, calling for legislation that would create a window in the statute of limitations, allowing lawsuits over long-ago sexual abuse by clergy and others.

Editorial: Pennsylvania Senate must stand up for victims of abuse

Getting just about any piece of substantial legislation passed in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly is likely to be a roller coaster ride for the lawmakers and activists who support it. That’s just the nature of the institution.

Former California priest arrested in RI on sex-assault charges

A former Roman Catholic priest working as a psychologist in Rhode Island was arrested Wednesday on a warrant that accuses him of sexually abusing children in California, authorities said. 

Former Franciscan University of Steubenville Friar accused of raping a student arraigned

A former Franciscan University of Steubenville Friar accused of raping a student in the past was arraigned Wednesday morning, then released.

Pennsylvania AG prefers law change over constitutional amendment for sex abuse survivors

(The Center Square) – Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said changing state law to open a civil litigation window for survivors of child sexual abuse remains legal, “sound” and “preferable” to a lengthy constitutional amendment process.

Minnesota bishop investigated by Vatican for alleged abuse cover-up resigns

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on April 13 accepted the resignation of Crookston, Minnesota, Bishop Michael Hoeppner, who had been under investigation for more than a year over allegations of mishandling cases of clergy sexual abuse.

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