MO - Unnamed YMCA coach accused of child abuse
Some may question why we’re talking about a case publicly in which the victims don’t even remember the names of the abuser. But it’s important to remember two things.
First, the victims in this case were kids when they were abused. It’s not surprising that they would forget some details. It’s unlikely they ever even referred to the guy as anything other than “coach.”
If kids are to be safer from child predators, we must keep in mind that, especially when traumatized, kids are not likely to have perfect recollections of the trauma and all the circumstances surrounding it.
Second, it’s especially important to draw attention to a case like this. This man could still be abusing kids, whether at a school, a day care center, or another club like the YMCA. We’re hoping that by making this case public, others from that same YMCA where these boys were abused will remember more details, and can help create a clearer picture of who this man is, and where he is today.
If a child predator is jailed or deceased or widely known to be an offender, the need to “ring the alarm” and raise public awareness may be lessened. But this is a case that warrants widespread attention.
We hope that anyone who may have any information or suspicions about these alleged crimes will have the courage and strength to step forward, call police, and help expose this child molester so kids will be safer.