MK Safety Net responds: Missionary doctor won't face sex assault trial

For immediate release: Thursday, August 2, 2018

Statement by SNAP Chapter MK Safety Net

Dianne Couts, President


MK Safety Net is greatly disappointed that Dr. Donn Ketcham will never stand trial. Some of his victims, who were MKs (missionary kids) in Bangaladesh when he molested them, have once again been the ones to suffer. For over a year and a half the dread of having to testify against him in court has hung over their heads as the trial was postponed again and again.  Yesterday the court ruled that, due to his Parkinson's disease and failing memory, Donn Ketcham was not competent to stand trial because he would not be able to defend himself.

MK Safety Net stands with his victims, four women and eighteen children, who were not only unable to defend themselves but whose abuse was covered up to protect Donn Ketcham and the reputation of his mission organization, the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism.

Sadly, issues of present and historic abuse abound in mission circles. MK Safety Net urges mission boards and their supporting churches to put victims of abuse in mission settings first so that justice will prevail in these cases. Far too often they suffer for a lifetime and their perpetrators walk free.

This breaking story can be found here. It includes statements from the victims who had been scheduled to testify at the trial.

The results of the investigation into the allegations against Donn Ketcham can be found here:

Showing 4 comments

  • Richard Darr
    commented 2018-08-06 08:34:49 -0500
    “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than to harm one of these little ones.”
  • Sarah Klingler
    commented 2018-08-02 12:50:18 -0500
    It is indeed egregious when people who purport to be followers of Jesus do so much harm in his name. The big-business aspect of many churches and denominations and missions agencies has blinded people to the suffering victims in their midst. Instead of leading the way in advocacy and healing, the Church perpetuates re-victimization and provides a supportive environment for abusers to thrive. I am thankful for the work of groups like MK Safety Net and so many others, but we need to have far more churches and institutions and individuals who are willing to put their own comfort and agendas and “kingdoms” aside to help the vulnerable and broken. Donn Ketcham and the leadership of ABWE absolutely should have been held accountable. Perhaps it’s too late for them, but may we see an outpouring of Christ-followers who will rise up against their kind and bring justice for victims.
  • Christine Hutton
    commented 2018-08-02 11:55:29 -0500
    We are all extremely disappointed at a system which has allowed these men to continue to cover up the abuse and terror mks have suffered for so long. The cover up abuse of children in the name of God or a ministry is evil at its core.
  • Sarah Klingler
    commented 2018-08-02 11:40:28 -0500
    The victims have not seen justice. Because of the far reaching results of abuse, their families, and the second generation also suffer. Abuse by clergy must be seen as a crime that need to be stopped.

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