ITALY - “No one from Curia should be made pope,” victims say

  • “No one from Curia should be made pope,” victims say
  • Group also wants some older cardinals out of Monday meeting
  • SNAP worries Vatican insiders are tied to corruption & last 2 popes
  • “That makes ‘cleaning house’ & exposing cover ups tougher,” it says
  • Victims urge top church staff to try to persuade some peers to “go home”
  • SNAP: Sodano & 5 other “complicit” cardinals should be sent away or stay away

At a news conference, holding signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse victims will urge the College of Cardinals to
--elect a non-Curia member as the next pope, and
--try to persuade several elderly “complicit colleagues” – who can’t vote in the conclave but may attend Monday’s General Congregation meeting - to stay home this week because of their involvement in hiding clergy sex crimes.

Monday, March 4 at 3:15 pm

Two leaders of an international support group for clergy sex abuse victims called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, including the organization’s long-time executive director

The Orange Hotel at 86 Via Crescenzio in Rome (+39 06 686 8969)

Roughly 90 prelates - too old to vote in the conclave - will take part in the General Congregation of Cardinals meetings, which start Monday at 9:30 a.m.  SNAP believes that a number of them (Sodano, Connell, Egan, Castrillón Hoyos, Law, McCarrick, and others) are guilty of - or credibly accused of - protecting child molesting clerics. Their peers should push them to stay home, or they should do so voluntarily, the group feels, for the sake of the church and to avoid heaping more pain on wounded victims and betrayed Catholics. (SNAP will hand out copies of a list of them with explanations and links.)

(For a list of non-voting prelates:

If Vatican officials can allegedly prod Cardinal Roger Mahony to come to Rome (as Mahony claims) or prod Cardinal Keith O’Brien to stay away (as some Vatican insiders and observers claim), they can also prod non-voting cardinals who have ignored or enabled child sex crimes to leave the General Congregation meetings, SNAP asserts.

SNAP will also urge the papal electors to pick a new pope from outside the Roman Curia, largely because of the long and cozy relationships between most of “insiders” and two popes who have done little to prevent abuse. SNAP also believes many of these prelates have playing or have hidden (or are hiding) many clergy sex crimes and cover ups.
(For a list of members of the Curia:

SNAP admits that the last two popes, both non-Italians, have not reformed the Roman bureaucracy. But the group maintains that a veteran “Vatican insider” – if promoted – would likely lack the willingness, courage and uncompromised moral standing and to really “clean house.” And “cleaning house” in the church headquarters, SNAP feels, will help deter wrongdoing in the church across the world and improve chances for discipline against bishops who protect predators.

The elevation of a prelate considered more of an “outsider” would also give some hope and consolation to many suffering victims and Catholics, SNAP believes.

Among other things, the General Congregation meeting, which will reportedly continue Monday afternoon, will determine the start of the Conclave.

David Clohessy, [email protected]339 215 7504 (Italian cell), Barbara Dorris [email protected]334 791 2239 (Italian cell), Barbara Blaine (in the US), [email protected]  312 399 4747 cell, 312 455 1499 office

Showing 2 comments

  • Patricia A Sulecki
    commented 2013-03-08 07:55:33 -0600
    I have to agree with you ;when the Priest are all in their black & white uniform how can we tell which one is a child molester; even when they don’t have their uniform on how can we be sure .As a victim myself" Priest sholud be treated like any other child molester; but their not"
    Why aren’t the Priest who have raped ,molested children “why aren’t they registered sex offenders ? all of the children and adults through out the years” that have got up the nerve to come forward to tell what horrible sick, sex act a Priest did to us; We all can’t be wrong; So why are the Priest still out in the public" only to rape more children; the States won’t get on the side of the victim;to help us get these Priest as registered sex offenders,this is one way we can help other children from being raped by these Priest; We don’t need or want other children to be hurt. Each state,also the justice Dept. in Washington should help victims of Clergy Sex Abuse ; get these Priest as registered sex offenders; and also have their pictures posted in the news paper in every State,this would be a start to help victims get justice; instead of the Statute of Limitation protecting these Priest ( Child Molesters ) these Priest are protected by the Pope & others. It’s as though the victim has to convince others;to believe in us;we are the victim; not the Priest……………… !
    I do believe " that the child molester;found a loop hole in the Religious system; become a Priest; they can have all children with in their reach" and get away with molesting children; because they are protected with the black and white uniform on. I think that they really brain wash themselves with the black and white uniform on; they believe that with the uniform on they can get away with rape or whatever else ?
    This has been going on for decades;how sad;how painful for;for all victims of Clergy Abuse !
  • Kay Goodnow
    commented 2013-03-04 01:02:57 -0600
    BRAVO! Sock it to ’em, or otherwise gag them in any manner you see fit! Wish we could all be there to help. Will be thinking of you.

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