Clergy sex victims blast new Baltimore archbishop

This is a callous choice and a terribly disappointing one for anyone who cares about kids.

Again, Pope Benedict elevates a corrupt cleric with a long and troubling track record of protecting predator priests and church secrets over innocent kids. As long as the Vatican keeps rewarding wrongdoers, wrongdoing will continue.

Lori has kept more secrets and more accused priests in ministry than most bishops. He pretends to be a reformer but his public relations and actual performance conflict.

Under Lori, the Bridgeport diocese

--kept Fr. Martin Ryan in a parish for nine years after he was accused, in 2002, of molesting a girl, despite having paid her a settlement. (He was suspended just last year  after being accused of sexually harassing a woman.) 

--kept secret a 2008 child abuse investigation of a visiting priest until October 2011, when the priest was arrested for child sexual assault in Canada:

-- kept secret for five years (from 2004-09) about settlements, totaling $40,000, paid to in two men who reported having been abused as kids by Monsignor William Genuario and Monsignor Frank Wissel.

--fought for years in court to keep church records about child molesting clerics secret 

--refused to warn parishioners or the public about an abusive nun, Patricia Long, who went on to become an Episcopal minister.

--kept silent about the defrocking of Fr. Charles W. Stubbs, a credibly accused pedophile priest who was  quietly allowed to move from Connecticut to New York where he lived near unsuspecting families in a home owned by Sacred Heart University President Anthony Cernera.

--has not (despite repeated requests) posted a list of proven, admitted or credibly accused on the diocesan or parish websites (as nearly 30 other dioceses has done).

Lori himself directly mocked a victim, Michael Powel, who was molested by several church employees,

Showing 2 comments

  • Stanley James
    commented 2013-04-11 23:37:27 -0500
    this has gone on all over hte world and the church to protect its pocketbook kept quiet on it and smiply moved molester priests to new locations.

    This is just another example of an absolutist my way or the highway group – the sign of virtually every tyrant in history

    the catholic church is all but dead in western Europe, dying in Latin america and in the USA the second largest relgiion is EX catholics.

    We still have a way to go to make the sign over the vatican gate

    Sewer pumping station.
  • David Clohessy
    published this page in Official SNAP Media Statements 2012-03-20 08:37:39 -0500

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