Church Whistle-Blowers Join Forces on Abuse

They call themselves Catholic Whistleblowers, a newly formed cadre of priests and nuns who say the Roman Catholic Church is still protecting sexual predators.

Although they know they could face repercussions, they have banded together to push the new pope to clean house and the American bishops to enforce the zero-tolerance policies they adopted more than a decade ago.

The group began organizing quietly nine months ago without the knowledge of their superiors or their peers, and plan to make their campaign public this week. Most in the steering group of 12 have blown the whistle on abusers in the past, and three are canon lawyers who once...

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Showing 4 comments

  • Lani Halter
    commented 2013-05-22 23:09:00 -0500
    And, I agree with all the whistleblowers and pray the letters that have been sent to the Pope, will no longer be ignored. Now, is the time to end these travesties. Now is the time, for what will be the remaining heirarchy of the church, to begin the healing process of all those who were abused by Catholic priests and laity. Now is the time to remove all pedophiles from the priesthood and from the seminaries, from the church hospitals. Zero tolerance.
  • Alex O'Halloran
    commented 2013-05-22 14:40:20 -0500
    I agree John!
  • John J Foster Jr
    commented 2013-05-22 08:39:13 -0500
    This is good. Change always comes from the grassroots. Something history shows us but we seem to ignore. Know that many have gone before you and have suffered the anger/hatred of those who did not want to hear of such sin in the church—prayers are with you—Rev. John J Foster, Jr.
  • John J Foster Jr
    commented 2013-05-22 06:32:04 -0500
    It is about time. Some of us “whistleblowers” have paid dearly for our outspoken position on this crime in the church—Rev. John J Foster, Jr.

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