
Information from Justice4PAKids on important legislation!

A great advocate and friend, Maureen Martinez from Justice4PAKids, sent us this information today on important legislation that is coming up in Pennsylvania. We hope that you find this information helpful!

In sad case about LA schools, one good thing comes out

Yet another sad story involving the abuse of children in the Los Angeles unified school system. In the past year, we’ve heard several horrific stories about depraved abuse going on for years in this school system, and today we hear about at least twenty more kids who had their innocence shattered. Let’s go back and edit that first line;“sad” is not strong enough.

Church officials using health excuses to disguise criminal behavior?

I feel sorry for priests who resign or take a leave for health or personal reasons. Most of them, I’m sure, are honest when they say and do this. But many of them, I’m also sure, do so under a huge cloud of suspicion. The blame for that falls squarely on the shoulders of their deceptive bishops.

What's next for Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn?

For the first time in history, a US Catholic diocese is headed by a convicted criminal. So what’s next for Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn?

Civil Lawsuits Help Criminal Prosecution

Florida’s most notorious predator priest, Fr. Neil Doherty, pled no contest on January 14 to molesting kids. Police and prosecutors built a strong case against him, in part, because of evidence unearthed in more than 20 civil lawsuits against Doherty over the years.

Who's violent toward whom?

Here’s a novel (and spurious) reason why clergy sex crimes and cover-ups should allegedly remain covered up: because shining a light on them might “fan the flames” of public outrage which might “potentially result in violence against the accused.”

Moving in the wrong direction

Backpedaling. Backsliding. Moving in the wrong direction. Whatever you call it, bishops all across the US are quietly doing this with clergy sex crimes and cover ups.

Football enthusiasts need to back off!

Twice recently, sports enthusiasts have publicly made a bizarre claim - that those of us who talk about known or suspected sex crimes are really trying to influence football games.

Sincere apology?

"Once the sale is made, shut up.” That's a fundamental rule of sales that is taught to virtually every aspiring sales person.

Cardinal Law still the only bishop to suffer personal consequences

Ten years ago tomorrow, Cardinal Bernard Law resigned as head of the Boston Archdiocese after mountains of evidence proved that he repeatedly protected predators, deceived parishes and endangered kids.

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