AUS - Victims blast Toowoomba principals
- Victims blast Toowoomba principals
- They failed to take action on dangerous child predator
- SNAP wants them to personally do outreach to victims
- And they want to know where the principals are now
Holding signs and childhood photos at a footpath news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will
- demand information on two principals who knew of abuse allegations against a Toowoomba tennis coach and did nothing, and
- urge the principals to personally reach out to victims of the coach and beg others who may have seen or suspected his crimes to come forward to police
Wednesday November 28 at 2:15 p.m.
On the footpath in front of Toowoomba District Office of Department of Education Training and Employment, 178 Hume Street, Toowomba
One or two members of an international support group called SNAP (the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priest) including an American woman who is the organisations president and founder.
Parents of children abused over the course of five years by a tennis coach in Toowoomba have recently found out that two different principals were aware of the coach’s impropriety, but did not warn parents or students. Now, leaders of an international support group for victims of abuse are demanding answers.
Leaders of SNAP are asking that Education Queensland come forward and explain why these principals were apparently not disciplined for their inaction involving this 74-year-old tennis coach who has been charged with abusing four children between 2004 and 2009. The tennis coach, who has gone unnamed in media reports, is apparently from Rangeville and abused four girls aged between nine and 12.
According to a recent article in the Chronicle, two different principals had conversations with the tennis coach about his “inappropriate behavior,” but neither warned police or parents about the man. Apparently, one of the principals no longer works at the same school.
SNAP wants some accountability for these principals. They should explain what they knew, when they knew it, and why it went unreported.
Parents in Toowoomba are upset that the principals in the case have gotten away with avoiding explanations and punishments. SNAP is echoing that sentiment.
“It’s simply not right that the people at the top are able to escape scot free when they had a hand in these young girls being abused,” said Blaine. “There’s a loss of innocence here that cannot be replaced, but these principals get to carry on like nothing happened.”