Media Statements

We are SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. We are the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others).

Auxiliary Bishop in Philadelphia Accepted Cash Gifts from Bishop Under Investigation for Abuse

Philadelphia's top Catholic official should suspend one of his auxiliary bishops, based on a new investigative report by the Washington Post, that shows the prelate had accepted cash gifts from a now-disgraced bishop who has been accused of abuse.

Abuse Claims Against Diocesan Chancellor and Vicar General in Charlotte Found “Credible,” SNAP Calls for AG Investigation

The Diocese of Charlotte has found more claims of sexual misconduct by the diocese’s former vicar general and chancellor, one of the men in charge of investigating reports of abuse, “credible.” Now Catholic officials in Charlotte must pull out the stops in order to discover if other abusers were protected by this man, and the North Carolina attorney general should launch an investigation into this situation.

Two Priests who Abused Deaf Children in Argentina Sentenced to More than 40 Years in Prison

Two priests who were accused of abusing multiple students while working at a school for the deaf and hearing impaired have been sentenced to more than 40 years in prison. We applaud this sentence and hope that it encourages other survivors in Argentina to come forward and get help.

Fr. Urbano Vazquez Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

A priest who had been convicted of abusing at least two young girls in Washington D.C. has been found sentenced to 15 years in prison. We are grateful for this sentence and hope that it brings some measure of closure and healing to the victims in this case.

Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Br. Paul West, SNAP Responds

Priest Who Confessed to Abuse and was Convicted was Given Job Around Refugee Children by Catholic Church Officials

AP Investigation Lays Bare the Failures of Diocesan Review Boards

A new investigation by the Associated Press has shared with the public a disappointing and depressing truth that survivors and advocates have been talking about for years: that internal church review boards too often put the reputation of the institution above care for survivors and the protection of children. Now that this report has been widely published, we hope the public will join our calls for dramatic change into how dioceses handle allegations of abuse.

Two Missouri dioceses criticized in new AP abuse investigation

Pennsylvania Senate Committee Advances Three Reform Bills -- One Controversial -- that Protect Children and Support Survivors

The Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee has advanced several reform bills aimed at increasing protections for children and supporting survivors of sexual violence. We are grateful for the continued attention to this critical issue and hope that Pennsylvanian stakeholders and victims can find a reform solution that works for all.

Dallas Police Department Investigation into Clergy Abuse Stalled Due to Legal Order

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