WV rules Fr. Quirk must testify in Philly, SNAP responds
The Intelligencer reports that tomorrow (Friday), a West Virginia judge will rule on whether a West Virginia priest, Fr. Kevin Quirk, must testify in a high-profile clergy sex abuse and cover up case going on in Philadelphia.
We're glad Judge Wilson will make a decision soon in this crucial matter. We hope he opts for openness over secrecy and for protecting innocent children who have done nothing wrong over protecting powerful adults who may have done plenty wrong.
Philly Catholics, citizens, victims, prosecutors, and jurors need and deserve to know the full truth about alleged child sex crimes and cover ups there. Prosecutors believe Fr. Quirk can help shed light on the serious accusations of widespread abuse and corruption in Philadelphia. We hope no legal technicality will be allowed to help Fr. Quirk evade his civic and moral duty to share what he knows about crimes against kids.
Finally, regardless of the judge's decision, Bishop Michael Bransfield can order Fr. Quirk to testify. We're deeply disappointed that Bishop Bransfield refused to do this. We can't help but wonder what Bishop Bransfield fears about Fr. Quirk's testimony.
Read the story here: http://www.theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/568926/Judge-to-rule-Friday-on-Quirk-subpoena.html?nav=515
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