Why rush to make Mother Teresa a saint?
A newly-revealed letter strongly suggests that Mother Teresa lobbied Jesuit officials to put an accused pedophile priest put back on the job quickly.
But Catholic officials refuse to answer a simple question: did Mother Teresa actually write that letter? It seems extremely like that she did. But church supervisors in the Vatican and at the Jesuit headquarters won’t answer any questions about the letter.
That raises another simple question: Why the rush to make Mother Teresa a saint?
Almost every day, new documents or evidence or testimony surfaces, shedding new light on the church hierarch’s on-going cover up of clergy sex crimes. Prudent leaders, who care about the feelings of their followers, would move slowly before praising officials who may have ignored, concealed or enabled horrific child sex crimes.
That’s what Catholic managers should do – move very slowly before elevating any church supervisor who seems to have protected predators and endangered kids.
We call on Catholic officials – in Rome and in the Jesuit headquarters – to stop the ducking and dodging about Mother Teresa. We call on them to slow down the drive to make her a saint, to avoid rubbing even more salt into the already deep and still fresh wounds of suffering clergy sex abuse victims (especially those hurt by Fr. Daniel McGuire) and betrayed Catholics.
Read the story here: http://www.sfweekly.com/2012-01-11/news/mother-teresa-catholic-church-john-hardon-donald-mcguire-child-abuse-jesuits/
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