Victims to leaflet at SLU; Two new predator priests outed
(For Release February 13, 2023)
Two predator priests just 'outed' at SLU
SNAP writes names of 12+ accused clerics on sidewalk
University refuses to reveal & post a list of abusers, group says
SNAP will leaflet students warning of other accused SLU molesters
Group asks SLU to do "real outreach" to possible victims, witnesses
WHAT: Handing out leaflets and holding signs, clergy abuse victims will warn St. Louis University students and staff about
--two credibly accused abusers who were 'outed' just days ago, and
--a seminarian who allegedly raped, assaulted, and spread defamatory rumors about a young man in 2019. The accused now attends SLU and faces a recently filed civil lawsuit.
They will also
--use chalk to write names of a dozen or more predator priests who worked or lived at the school on the sidewalk, and
--urge SLU officials to post on their website the names of credibly accused child molesting clerics (like most dioceses and many Catholic institutions do) and actively help law enforcement by aggressively seeking other victims, witnesses and whistleblowers in the most recent case.
Monday, Feb. 13, at 1:30 p.m.
On the sidewalk in the 200 block of North Grand near St. Francis Xavier 'College' Church (on the campus of St. Louis University) in St. Louis MO
Four-six members of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, including a St. Louis man who is the group's former longtime national director.
Late Friday, St. Louis University disclosed that two priests who worked there have been “credibly accused” of sexual abuse. One of them, Fr. David V. Meconi, was at SLU as recently as 2021. He directed the university's Catholic Studies center, and allegedly abused between 2015-2016.
The other is Fr. Daniel Campbell (deceased), a faculty member in the late 1950s.
SNAP wants the university to provide many more details about these and other proven, admitted or credibly accused clerics who are or were at SLU. The group also wants SLU president Fred Pestello and his staff to aggressively seek out others who may have seen, suspected or suffered crimes or misdeeds by Fr. Merconi. Since his alleged wrongdoing was recent, he might be prosecuted and kept away from other vulnerable people, SNAP believes.
In recent years, SNAP members handed out leaflets on the SLU campus prodding university officials to post on their website the names of credibly accused child molesting clerics (like the archdiocese does). Their leaflets named these priests who have been publicly accused of abuse and have lived or worked at SLU. (Everyone has been 'outed' and deemed 'credibly accused' of abuse by church or secular authorities and written about in mainstream media sources.)
They are Fr. Walter P. Buetzler, Fr. David C Bayne, Fr. Franklyn W. Becker, Fr. Edward F. Beutner, Fr. Floyd A. Brey, Fr. Vincent W. Bryce, Fr. John J. “Jack” Campbell, Fr. James A. Condon, Fr. Juan Carlos Duran, Fr. Paul A. Frey, Fr. Chester E. Gaiter, Fr. James F. Gates, Fr. John Harrington, Fr. Gerhardt B. Lehkmuhl, Fr. Jerold W. Lindner, Fr. Eugene Maio, Fr. Charles H. Miller, Fr. John N. Morfin, Fr. James Glenn Murray, Fr. Thomas J. Naughton, Fr. James V. O’Connor, Fr. George M. Pieper, Fr. John Slowey, Br. Richard H. Witzofsky, seminarian Francis J. Kegel and former SLU president Daniel O’Connell (who was sued by two former women who say he assaulted them when they were young, vulnerable students).
SNAP feels that for the safety of innocent kids and vulnerable adult, these names should be permanently and prominently posted on the SLU website.
NOTE: Last year, SNAP warned the SLU community about a credibly accused abusive seminarian from Tennessee who is now a SLU student. For details, see The Pillar or these links:
David Clohessy, SNAP Leader Missouri (314-566-9790, [email protected])
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