US victims blast Archbishop Martin & back call for inquiry
We fully support the call by One in Four for a full statutory inquiry to be launched into charges that former Dublin Aarchbishop John Charles McQuaid may have molested two children.
We are very disappointed that Archbishop Martin and other current Irish Catholic officials didn’t disclose these two accusations themselves. Their continuing secrecy shows that still, virtually nothing is changing in the church hierarchy when it comes to suspected clerical crimes.
We can’t help but wonder “How much more horror can Irish citizens endure?” On the other hand, however, we can’t help but ask “Will Catholic officials ever ‘come clean’ about the thousands of horrific child sex crimes and cover ups in their institutions, so that brave victims, diligent investigators, and determined journalists don’t have to do so themselves?”
We hope every single person who may have seen, suspected or suffered misdeeds by McQuaid – or any cleric – will come forward, get help, expose wrongdoing, and start healing. It takes courage and strength to speak up. But the alternative – suffering in shame, silence, secrecy and self-blame – is far worse.
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