"An Update on SOL in 2020" - A Webinar for Survivors and Advocates
On Wednesday, April 22 we had the great opportunity to learn from Kathryn Robb, Executive Director of CHILD USAdvocacy, who joined us to talk about the state of reform in 2020 and what we all can do from home to keep ourselves sane, safe, and moving forward towards change.
We are incredibly grateful to Kathryn for taking the time out of her day to share her expertise with us. You can learn more about Kathryn and the great work that is being done by the CHILD USAdvocacy team on their website.
For those of you who missed the webinar, you can watch a recording here. The password to access the webinar: 8p.7T+y1. You can also view Kathryn's slides here.
(Note: there is a little bit of dead time at the beginning of the recording, so scroll to about ~3:00 minutes in the time bar to get to the real start of the webinar!)