Terry McKiernan


Terence McKiernan founded BishopAccountability.org in 2003 and is the organizations president. Terry holds masters degrees in Classics from the University of Wisconsin– Madison and the University of Bristol in England. Before his involvement in the church crisis, he was an academic editor and a consulting firm manager. 

Showing 1 comment

  • Christopher Longhurst
    commented 2020-04-17 20:08:45 -0500
    Kia ora Terry,
    Greetings from Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Many thanks for the tremendously important work you do at BishopAccountability.org, Inc. Furthering the accountability of bishops is a worldwide mission.
    There is a great need here in Aotearoa New Zealand. While bishops and congregational leaders put out excellent policies on dealing with complaints of sexual abuse by clergy and religious of the Catholic Church in New Zealand, they are basically ignored in the effect. New Zealand is, therefore, home to a more hidden and heinous form of coverup by which the general public is misled.

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