The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
Survivor's Voice
Bishops should help Ohio stop child molesters, by Donna Kollars, January 6, 2005 Bishops Seek Way Out from Sex Abuse Scandal, by John Salveson, December 7, 2004 Mindset of Syracuse Diocese allows abuse infection to fester, by Marianne Barone Trent and Charles Bailey Jr., October 23, 2003 New Hampshire Catholics: Why Have Your Forsaken Us?, by Peter Pollard, August 1, 2003 Reforming
the Statute of Limitations - The Single Most Effective Legislative
Remedy To Make Sure Kids Are Safer, by
David Clohessy and Barbara Blaine Addiction to Power, by Mark Vincent Serrano, SNAP Board Member, April 11, 2003 Archbishop's
words intentionally inflicted harm on women, By
David Clohessy, SNAP Executive Director, March 8, 2003, San Antonio
Express-News San Francisco Police Department - To Protect and Serve? By David Clohessy, SNAP Executive Director, February 7, 2003, San Francisco Chronicle Protect Kids - Not Bishops, by Mark Vincent Serrano, SNAP Board Member, January 27, 2003 Church Unlikely to Get Tough with All Abusive Priests, By Mark Vincent Serrano, SNAP Board Member, June 3, 2002 - USA Today Vatican Comedy, by Steve Pona, St. Louis, MO SNAP Leader It's Time for Laity to Step Up, By Mark Vincent Serrano, SNAP Board Member, November 2, 2002 - Tha Dallas Morning News What WILL the Cardinal say? By Arthur Austin, Boston, MA, November 2002
Announcing Formation of New SNAP Chapter, Speech by SNAP CT Leader Landa Mauriello-Vernon Remarks to Minnesota VOTF Meeting, Speech by SNAP Minnesota Leader Belinda Martinez, July 31, 2003 Providence,
RI Solidarity March, Speech by SNAP New England
co-coordinator Ann Hagan Webb, March 16, 2003 Good News . . .Bad News, Speech by SNAP leader Belinda Martinez at SNAP Minnesota Conference in St. Paul, delivered January 25, 2003 Be Careful What You Wish For, Speech by Bill Gately, SNAP New England, January 2003 Remarks by Philadelphia SNAP Leader on Changes to Dallas Charter, Speech by John Salveson, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, delivered November 15, 2002 What Took You So Long?, Address to Voice of the Faithful Conference, by Phil Saviano, SNAP New England, July 20, 2002 You Are Not Alone, Speech given by Mark Furnish, Diocese of Rochester, NY, to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. Geneva, Switzerland, October 12, 2002
A Boston Survivor's Remarks on Charitable Immunity, Testimony by Phil Saviano, SNAP New England, October 9, 2003 Testimony
in Support of Legislation in Massachusetts,
by Carol McCormick, SNAP New England, October 9, 2003
New Year's Message to Boston Survivors, Essay by Ann Hagan Webb, Co-coordinator, SNAP New England Snapdragons On My Mind, Essay by Bill Curtis, New Jersey SNAP Leader Clerical
Abuse: A Case Against Forgiving or Forgetting, The Truth, and My Voice, by Cynthia Desrosiers, Worcester, MA Diocese, June 1999
Where are the Victims of the 1990's?, letter to Milwaukee district attorney, by SNAP Wisconsin leader Belinda Martinez, November, 2002
writes Liturgy for Healing,
a musician, writer and survivor composed "A Service for Victims,"
which was presented recently at a church in Cleveland. | |
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests www.snapnetwork.org |