Survivors Network of those Abused
by Priests
Press Statements 2010
Giving Voice to
Victims: SNAP National Director David Clohessy speaks with legislator
at Juneau, Alaska statehouse. |
OH - Ex-Toledo chancellor honored; Sex abuse victims respond, December 29, 2010
OK - Sex abuse victims blast OK City archbishop's secrecy, December 24, 2010
ME - Convicted DC predator priest causes controversy in Maine, December 24, 2010
Ireland - Sex abuse victims blast Irish politician re investigations, December 24, 2010
ME - Convicted Houston predator priest causes controversy in Maine, December 23, 2010
WI - Lawyer for predator nun is disciplined; Sex abuse victims respond, December 22, 2010
Belgium - Ex-Belgian church leader urges more openness; Sex abuse victims respond, December 21, 2010
MA - Boston Cardinal should train staff & flock on abuse response, December 21, 2010
CA - Another OC priest is quietly accused of child sex abuse, SNAP responds, December 20, 2010
MA - Sex abuse victims to O'Malley: "Discipline pastor", December 20, 2010
CO - FL officials charge CO author of 'pro pedophilia' book; SNAP responds, December 20, 2010
England - Pope calls on Catholic church to 'repair injustice' of sexual abuse; SNAP responds, December 20, 2010
Belgium - Belgian SNAP leader responds to latest papal abuse remarks, December 20, 2010
Vatican - A new culprit-Pope blames 70s for widespread abuse; SNAP responds, December 20, 2010
Ireland - Irish church still owes hundreds of millions of euros, SNAP responds, December 19, 2010
Ireland - Again, Vatican delays defrocking serial predator, SNAP responds, December 17, 2010
Northern Ireland - Vatican must help new gov. abuse probe, victims say, December 17, 2010
Northern Ireland - Victims praise new Northern Ireland church abuse probe, December 17, 2010
OK - New OK City bishop named; Sex abuse victims respond, December 16, 2010
NJ - SNAP blasts 2 NJ bishops re 2 recently-outed predators, December 16, 2010
VA - Priest faces child sex sentencing in VA on Fri, December 15, 2010
NJ - Child sex victim settles case vs. ex-NYC big shot Jesuit, December 15, 2010
CA - $2 million more paid to CA victim of Irish priest-SNAP responds, December 15, 2010
CT - CT-based Catholic group sued for child sex abuse, December 14, 2010
ID - Post Falls predator priest ousted; Sex abuse victims respond, December 14, 2010
ID - Idaho predator priest ousted; Sex abuse victims respond, December 14, 2010
NJ - Child sex victim settles case vs. ex-Boston big shot Jesuit, December 14, 2010
TN - Predator priest case goes to TN Supreme Court, December 13, 2010
MO - For 5th time, serial predator priest gets a delay; SNAP responds, December 13, 2010
Mexico - Controversial Catholic group takes "tiny step," SNAP responds, December 13, 2010
ID - No charges for LDS members aware of man's crimes; SNAP responds, December 13, 2010
NJ - Child sex victim settles case vs. big shot Jesuit now in Rome, December 12, 2010
Germany - Abuse victims declare solidarity with child-orphanage-victims in Germany, December 12, 2010
Ireland - Notorious CA/Irish predator arrested-Sex abuse victims respond, December 11, 2010
Ireland - Ireland "caved" to Vatican on sex abuse; SNAP responds, December 11, 2010
Finland - Lutheran church changes sex rules; Abuse victims respond, December 10, 2010
MA - Group praises 3 Boston-area victims of newly-outed priest, December 9, 2010
The Netherlands - Vatican has "no comment" re 2,000 Victims; SNAP Responds, December 9, 2010
NJ - N.J. Senate to consider relaxing limits on sex abuse lawsuits; SNAP responds, December 9, 2010
AL - Minister arrested for child sex crimes; SNAP responds, December 9, 2010
ME - More "inexcusable" Secrecy by Maine's Bishop; SNAP Responds, December 9, 2010
The Netherlands - 2,000 in Netherlands report being abused by predator priests, December 9, 2010
DE - $1 in punitive damages levied vs. Catholic parish, SNAP responds, December 8, 2010
Few churches with sex offenders have restrictions, survey shows, December 8, 2010
IL - Victims Ask New Joliet Bishop for Action, December 8, 2010
VA - Richmond Man Settles Child Sex Case vs. Catholic Church, December 8, 2010
ND - Several Fargo Child Sex Cases Settle vs. Catholic Church, December 7, 2010
IL - Ex-Peoria bishop still protects predator priests; SNAP responds, December 6, 2010
NJ - Victims to NJ Archbishop "House predator priests in 'secure treatment center'", December 6, 2010
DC - Victims to DC Archbishop "House predator priests in 'secure treatment center'", December 6, 2010
Vatican - SNAP blasts Cardinal Burke's view of abuse crisis, December 6, 2010
TX - Houston Catholic priest arrested; SNAP responds, December 3, 2010
Germany - Abuse victims blast German bishops for seeking forgiveness, December 3, 2010
TX - Convicted Houston predator priest's resigns from panel; SNAP responds, December 3, 2010
ME - Clergy sex victims applaud predator priest's resignation, December 3, 2010
DC - DC Catholic officials should do more to monitor predator priests, December 3, 2010
MN - SNAP statement re 2 bishops seeking $132,000 from abuse victim, December 3, 2010
DE - Jurors to weigh more damages vs. church; SNAP responds, December 2, 2010
MN - MN SNAP director on 2 bishops attacking a survivor, December 2, 2010
IL - Appeals court upholds priest's conviction; SNAP responds, December 2, 2010
Vatican - Vatican Defends Pope's Record On Sexual Abuse; SNAP responds, December 2, 2010
MO - Archbishop meets with Sullivan, Missouri parishioners over financial 'irregularities'; SNAP responds, December 2, 2010
CA - Controversial Catholic official comes to Stockton; Victims object, December 1, 2010
MO - SNAP comments on new St. Louis bishop & retiring St. Louis bishop, December 1, 2010
Germany - New records & witnesses incriminate Pope in child sex case, November 29, 2010
MN - Archbishop Nienstedt pushing for $64,000 in legal costs from alleged abuse victim; SNAP responds, November 24, 2010
Vatican - In his new book Pope again blasts media, November 23, 2010
PA - Another Philly predator priest suspended, SNAP responds, November 23, 2010
TX - Predator priest plotted murder of his victim, SNAP responds, November 23, 2010
Italy - Abuse Victims "disappointed" by Cardinals' Meeting in Rome, November 19, 2010
NH - NH priest doesn't get medical parole; Sex abuse victims respond, November 19, 2010
Italy - Statements from SNAP Leaders from 4 Nations, November 19, 2010
OH - Catholic school staffer disciplined; Sex abuse victims respond, November 17, 2010
MA - Boston Archbishop Meets With Church Abuse Victims; SNAP responds, November 17, 2010
IL - Victims "thrilled" that ex Chicago Catholic official losses, November 16, 2010
DC - Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Praise DC Area Judge for New Ruling, November 16, 2010
NY, AZ - Clergy abuse victims decry NY archbishops win but applaud AZ bishop's loss, November 16, 2010
MA - Sex abuse victims blast Boston Cardinal for "callousness", November 15, 2010
IL - SNAP blasts ex-Chicago priest who is near-certain new head of US bishops conference, November 13, 2010
CA - Catholic bishop beats abuse victims' mom in court; SNAP responds, November 11, 2010
FL - Notorious predator priest jailed, clergy, sex victims respond, November 10, 2010
NE - Accused predator priest is believed to be living in/near Lincoln NE, November 10, 2010
TX - New clergy sex & fraud suit filed; Victims respond, November 9, 2010
Ireland - Call for Magdalene Inquiry: Victims respond, November 9, 2010
FL - Lake Worth, Florida ex-priest accused of sexual battery to be evaluated for, November 8, 2010
CA - Statement regarding San Francisco Archbishop William Levada, November 8, 2010
Vatican - Pope & Cardinals to talk about abuse in Rome - Sex abuse victims demand action - SNAP, November 8, 2010
Vatican - Pope & Cardinals to talk about abuse; Sex abuse victims respond, November 8, 2010
CA - Church Sexual Harassment Case Settled - Sex Abuse Victims Respond, November 4, 2010
Belgium - My remarks on gays twisted, says cleric, November 4, 2010
FL - Ex-Priest and Alleged Pedophile Neil Doherty Back in Jail, November 3, 2010
CA - Priest wins reduced bail; SNAP responds, November 2, 2010
Belgium - Spokesman of conservative archbishop quits; says he can no longer speak for a 'loose canon'; SNAP responds, November 2, 2010
TN - TN priest pleads "innocent;" SNAP responds, October 28, 2010
ON - Ontario priest charged with child molestation - SNAP responds, October 26, 2010
CA - SNAP statement, October 24, 2010
Ireland - Irish bishop won't face charges; Sex abuse victims respond, October 22, 2010
CA - Ex LA area priest guilty of abuse; Sex abuse victims respond, October 22, 2010
MO - SNAP blasts Ed Martin for "demagoguery" and "dodging", October 22, 2010
DE - Statement regarding Fr. McCandless, October 20, 2010
DE - Admitted predator priest to skip trial; Victims respond, October 20, 2010
DC - Archbishop Wuerl is promoted by Pope; Sex abuse victims respond, October 20, 2010
MO - Burke is promoted by Pope; Sex abuse victims respond, October 20, 2010
Vatican - Pope defends priestly celibacy; SNAP responds, October 18, 2010
TX - New San Antonio archbishop, Sex abuse victims respond, October 14, 2010
TX - Southeast Texas man says two Catholic priests molested him; SNAP responds, October 4, 2010
WI - Lawsuit versus Pope moves forward; SNAP responds, October 1, 2010
CA - Court rules on friars' records public in sex cases; SNAP responds, September 30, 2010
CT - Former altar boy files sexual abuse lawsuit against Bridgeport diocese; SNAP responds, September 28, 2010
PA - Allentown Diocese removes two priests on sex abuse allegations; SNAP responds, September 27, 2010
GA - Pastors Meet to Pray for Bishop Long; SNAP responds, September 24, 2010
PA - Diocese asks judge to dismiss lawsuit involving former Central Catholic priest; SNAP responds, September 24, 2010
PA - Bishop declines request to resign; SNAP responds, September 23, 2010
IL - Statement regarding Joliet, Illinois Bishop, September 23, 2010
PA - Episcopal Church asks Pennsylvania bishop to step down; SNAP responds, September 22, 2010
GA - SNAP statement regarding Bishop Long of Atlanta, September 22, 2010
Vatican - Vatican claims transparency amid laundering probe; SNAP responds, September 21, 2010
NV - Clergy sex victims applaud; sex abuse victims respond, September 21, 2010
Vatican - SNAP responds to papal meeting with a few victims, September 18, 2010
Vatican - Yet more papal words about abuse; Child sex victims respond, September 18, 2010
Ireland - Martin talks re cover up; Sex abuse victims respond, September 17, 2010
WA - New Seattle church head ordained troubled priest last year, September 16, 2010
WA - New Seattle bishop announced; Sex abuse victims respond, September 16, 2010
Vatican - Pope addresses sex abuse scandal as he starts visit to Britain; SNAP responds, September 16, 2010
England - Clergy sex victims blast Lord Patton, September 14, 2010
Belgium - Belgian bishops admit worry re $$; Sex abuse victims respond, September 14, 2010
Belgium - SNAP statement about Belgian bishops' plans, September 13, 2010
Belgium - Clergy sex victims pan Belgium church abuse report, September 10, 2010
Belgium - Belgian Catholic bishops get to hide evidence; SNAP responds, September 9, 2010
WA - Clergy sex abuse victims blast new Spokane bishop, September 9, 2010
Vatican - Statement by Barbara Blaine of SNAP, September 9, 2010
MA - Clergy sex victims blast archdiocese over twice accused priest, September 8, 2010
IL - Priest who tried to commit suicide gets 4 years for sex assault; SNAP responds, September 8, 2010
Belgium - Belgian cardinal says he should've asked bishop to resign; SNAP responds, September 7, 2010
TN - TN predator priest arrested; SNAP responds, September 3, 2010
CA - Predator priest's extradition hearing delayed, September 3, 2010
MO - SNAP wants probe into Amish for hiding child sex crimes, September 3, 2010
IN - Child sex suit settled vs. notorious IN/TN predator priest, September 3, 2010
CT - Accused Catholic priest denies child sex abuse, SNAP responds, September 3, 2010
Vatican - Clergy sex group blasts 'near-certain' upcoming meeting by Pope w/ victims, September 1, 2010
VA - A "most wanted" molester is caught; Bishop should do outreach, SNAP says, September 1, 2010
FL - Stunning 68 page new report on crimes at overseas mission is released, September 1, 2010
MI - Michigan clergy sex victim speaks out; SNAP responds, August 31, 2010
New bishops' policy is backwards, August 31, 2010
Germany - Victims respond to new policy by German Bishops, August 31, 2010
Belgium - Pope must act on bishop who covered up admitted crimes, SNAP says, August 30, 2010
WV - Trial vs. accused predator priest dismissed; SNAP responds, August 30, 2010
NY - Victims' Response to Deacon being removed, August 29, 2010
PA - Ex-Central Catholic priest made teen pregnant, lawsuit says; SNAP responds, August 27, 2010
OK - Twice accused priest is kept in ministry in OK, August 26, 2010
IL - Judge grants bishops' secrecy motion, Victims respond, August 25, 2010
MI - Another Lansing predator priest is exposed; SNAP responds, August 25, 2010
IL - Clergy sex victims blast Peoria bishop's new secrecy move, August 25, 2010
OH - 2 Catholic staffers resign; SNAP responds, August 24, 2010
OH - 2 Catholic teachers resign; diocese kept allegations secret, August 24, 2010
Austria - Catholic priests lose trust, poll shows; SNAP responds, August 23, 2010
NY - Zen Studies Society Announces Ethics Investigation; SNAP responds, August 19, 2010
UT - Ex Utah clergyman arrested on child sex charges, August 19, 2010
ID - Ex-Idaho minister arrested for child sex abuse, August 19, 2010
England - Abuse claims at top Catholic school; SNAP responds, August 18, 2010
CT - CT Catholic predator pleads guilty; SNAP responds, August 18, 2010
TN - Trial set in case of predator priest in Nashville, August 18, 2010
MO - Hearing in Missouri over parole of Fr. Gary Wolken, August 17, 2010
DE - Judge lets DE pedophile priest cases move ahead; SNAP responds, August 13, 2010
Belgium - Court rules to allow Belgian clergy abuse inquires; SNAP responds, August 13, 2010
Vatican - SNAP blasts Pope for "rubbing salt into wounds", August 11, 2010
CA - Victims prod Catholic staff for outreach re: Irish predator, August 11, 2010
Vatican - SNAP Press Statement, August 10, 2010
NY - Ex Columbus predator priest is arrested in Canada; SNAP responds, August 6, 2010
NY - Ex-pastor to be released as sex offender for touching girl; SNAP responds, August 6, 2010
MO - Case vs. predator priest is withdrawn; He walks free; SNAP responds, August 6, 2010
PA - Philly Episcopal bishop's church conviction overturned; SNAP responds, August 5, 2010
IL - Springfield bishop rebuffs victims on child safety requests; SNAP responds, August 5, 2010
TN - Former Knoxville priest indicted on more sex abuse charges; SNAP responds, August 3, 2010
AZ - Clergy sex victims applaud arrest of AZ clergy, July 29, 2010
IL - IL predator priest is free again; SNAP responds, July 28, 2010
TN, NC - TN / NC predator priest pleads guilty; SNAP responds, July 28, 2010
Vatican - Vatican blasts gay priests; sex victims respond, July 23, 2010
OH - Ohio Supreme Court rules for victim & against predator priest, July 20, 2010
WI - Wisconsin Supreme Court Keeps Prominent Priest Locked Up, July 20, 2010
OH - Pope Benedict XVI removes Youngstown priest; SNAP responds, July 19, 2010
Germany - Female Lutheran bishop resigns over abuse case; SNAP responds, July 16, 2010
MA - SNAP praises MA judge's ruling re Bishop Dupre deposition, July 15, 2010
MA - Accused priest's backers hold vigil; sex abuse victims respond, July 15, 2010
TX - Man with AIDS is accused of "assault with deadly weapon;" SNAP responds, July 15, 2010
Vatican - Vatican breaks UN treaty on children's safety; SNAP responds, July 15, 2010
Vatican - US-based clergy victims group backs Austrian call for Vatican records, July 15, 2010
Vatican - 2nd SNAP response to new Vatican guidelines, July 15, 2010
IN - New bishop vows patience; SNAP responds, July 15, 2010
CT - Clergy sex victims blast new ruling re CT predator, July 14, 2010
IL - Serial IL predator priest soon gets out of jail; SNAP responds, July 14, 2010
CA - Clergy sex victims blast LA archdiocese on settlement anniversary, July 14, 2010
MO - Missouri abuse victims challenge court, church & lawmakers, July 13, 2010
WV - Clergy sex abuse victims challenge WV Jesuit University, July 13, 2010
PA - Clergy sex victims challenge PA Episcopal bishop, July 13, 2010
WV - Priest who worked in NH is arrested for child sex crime, July 13, 2010
WV - West Virginia Priest Arrested; victims respond, July 12, 2010
IL - SNAP responds: 4 more lawsuits filed naming Fr Dan McCormack, July 12, 2010
Guam - Victims Support Guam Mandatory Reporter Bill, July 12, 2010
LA area abuse victim / advocate comments re: Polanski, July 12, 2010
Switzerland - Sex Abuse Victims Respond to Polanski Decision, July 12, 2010
CT - Victims blast CT archbishop over "recklessness", July 9, 2010
NC - Accused Bishop McGuinness Chaplain Turns Himself In; SNAP responds, July 8, 2010
CT - Clergy sex victims respond to new CT pedophile priest lawsuit, July 7, 2010
IN, FL - Priest in Indiana & Florida sued for abuse, July 7, 2010
NC - Former Charlotte area priest facing sex abuse allegations; Sex abuse victims respond, July 7, 2010
CT - Priest Accused of Stealing $1 Million for Sordid Life Surrenders; SNAP responds, July 6, 2010
Belgium - Police question Belgian cardinal over child abuse; SNAP responds, July 6, 2010
CA - SNAP responds to new Bay Area Catholic bishop, July 6, 2010
Vatican - Pope revises sex-abuse norms; SNAP responds, July 6, 2010
MA - Massachusetts Priest Reinstated After Being Put On Leave; SNAP responds, July 2, 2010
Vatican - 7/2 Statement by Joelle Casteix of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests 949 322 7434, July 2, 2010
WA - SNAP comments on new Spokane bishop, June 30, 2010
MA - SNAP comments on new Boston bishops, June 30, 2010
Oregon SNAP leader on US Supreme Court case, June 29, 2010
Vatican - SNAP Press Statement, June 28, 2010
Vatican - Court lets Vatican-sex abuse lawsuit move forward; SNAP responds, June 28, 2010
Vatican - Pope stifles abuse discussions; Clergy sex abuse victims respond, June 28, 2010
Belgium - Clergy sex victims welcome resignation in Belgium, June 28, 2010
Vatican - Pope: Belgian sex abuse raids deplorable; SNAP responds, June 27, 2010
MA - Priest pays $500 fine in prostitution case; sex abuse victims respond, June 25, 2010
KS - Kansas priest pleads guilty; Sex abuse victims respond, June 25, 2010
Austria - Clergy sex abuse victims respond to Austrian bishops' payment plan, June 25, 2010
Vatican - Vatican blasts Belgian police raid; Sex abuse victims blast Vatican, June 25, 2010
Belgium - Some Belgian victims may be upset; US abuse group reassures them, June 25, 2010
Belgium - Clergy sex victims blast head of Belgium church abuse panel, June 24, 2010
Belgium - Police raid Belgian Catholic hierarchy in abuse probe; SNAP responds, June 24, 2010
CA - New legal approach for child sex abuse in CA; SNAP responds, June 23, 2010
KS - Sex abuse victims blast Kansas bishops, June 23, 2010
Ireland - Irish clergy sex abuse & cover up report delayed ; Sex abuse victims respond, June 23, 2010
Austria - Austrian abuse victims demand compensation from church; sex abuse victims respond, June 22, 2010
PA - Two new PA bishops announced; sex abuse victims respond, June 22, 2010
CT - Clergy sex abuse victims blast Hartford Catholic church re: financial scandal, June 22, 2010
Italy - "Well-connected" Italian priest faces abuse trial; Sex abuse victims respond, June 18, 2010
Poland - Vatican re-instates accused bishop; Sex abuse victims respond, June 18, 2010
DE - Sex abuse victims blast DE bishop, June 16, 2010
Germany - German bishop wants his job back; Sex abuse victims respond, June 16, 2010
CA - Mahony's deposition released; Clergy sex abuse victims respond, June 15, 2010
WI - Milwaukee bishop promoted to La Cross bishop; SNAP responds, June 11, 2010
MO - Catholic teacher arrested; SNAP responds, June 11, 2010
Vatican - Victims respond: Pope fails to take action, June 11, 2010
Vatican - Pope speaks of "secondary scandals;" Clergy abuse victims respond, June 10, 2010
CA - Priest charged in sex abuse case headed for trial; SNAP responds, June 10, 2010
WA - Rulings upheld in boys ranch case; sex abuse victims respond, June 9, 2010
MO, WI - Amish man may have molested; Sex abuse victims respond, June 9, 2010
MI - Ex-NM predator priest may be released from prison, June 7, 2010
Ireland - Dolan's Irish probe will allegedly focus on 'doctrine;' SNAP responds, June 7, 2010
Ireland - Irish Vatican probe will allegedly focus on 'doctrine;' SNAP responds, June 7, 2010
CA - John Mark Karr, Former JonBenet Ramsey Murder Suspect, Trying to Form Child Sex Cult?; SNAP responds, June 4, 2010
MD - Former priest found guilty of child abuse; clergy sex abuse victims respond, June 4, 2010
CA - Notorious predator priest starts getting church $$ - SNAP responds, June 4, 2010
Deutschland - Betroffene zu Ermittlungen gegen DBK-Chef Zollitsch: Beihilfe zum, June 3, 2010
DE - Trials vs. notorious predator priest will go forward; SNAP responds, June 4, 2010
Italy - Lawyer urges Italian bishop be charged in child abuse case; SNAP responds, June 3, 2010
CA - Clergy sex victims seek info about man linked to JonBenet Ramsey, June 3, 2010
TN - Man seeks appeal on sex abuse case; sex abuse victims respond, June 2, 2010
MD - Former MD caregiver avoids jail time for neglect; SNAP responds, June 2, 2010
CA - DA says no charges yet vs. LA archdiocese; clergy sex victims respond, June 2, 2010
Germany - Prosecutors investigating Germany's top cleric; SNAP responds, June 2, 2010
Stiffer visa costs, rules cutting ranks of foreign-born priests; SNAP responds, June 2, 2010
DE - Suit Against Del. Pedophile Priest Dismissed; clergy sex abuse victims respond, June 2, 2010
No institution can police itself, so we must look outside the church hierarchy for solutions to crisis, May 31, 2010
IL - SNAP Press Statement, May 31, 2010
TN - Appeals court throws out Memphis priest abuse lawsuit; SNAP responds, May 28, 2010
NH - Clergy sex group blasts Baptist church, May 28, 2010
NY - Ex-Students' Claims of Sex Abuse by Coach Proceed to Discovery; SNAP responds, May 28, 2010
MO - Allegation against ex-Pilot Grove, MO priest deemed 'credible;' sex abuse victims respond, May 28, 2010
DE - Child molestation suits stopped; Clergy sex abuse victims respond, May 26, 2010
CA - SNAP warns LA Catholics re: new bishop, May 26, 2010
MA - SNAP complains that former Springfield Bishop Thomas Dupre has been allowed to move to Catholic retirement home, May 25, 2010
Italy - Italian bishops rule out abuse inquiry; SNAP responds, May 25, 2010
In Brief to High Court, U.S. Supports Vatican in Sex-Abuse Case; SNAP responds, May 25, 2010
OR - SNAP responds to new clergy sex abuse lawsuit, May 25, 2010
MD - Statement by David Lorenz, SNAP director of Maryland, May 25, 2010
Italy - Bishop says 100 cases in 10 yrs for Italy priest abuse; SNAP responds, May 25, 2010
Italy - Italian bishop should be charged & disciplined, SNAP says, May 21, 2010
NY - Albany Diocese priest pleads guilty to abusing 2 boys; SNAP responds, May 19, 2010
Vatican - Vatican says Pope is not liable for day-to-day actions of priests; SNAP responds, May 17, 2010
MA - Vatican rejects appeals by closed Boston churches; SNAP responds, May 17, 2010
MO - Priest accused of sexual abuse brought to Missouri; SNAP responds, May 17, 2010
Court Rules U.S. Can Hold Sex Offenders After Their Sentences Expire; SNAP responds, May 17, 2010
VT - Diocese of Vermont to pay $17.6M to sex-abuse victims; SNAP responds, May 13, 2010
NY - Priest: 'Jewish press' pushes perv scandal; SNAP responds, May 13, 2010
FL - Lawyer to file suits alleging sex abuse: Ocala priest named; SNAP responds, May 12, 2010
IN - Indianapolis Archdiocese settles sex abuse lawsuit; SNAP responds, May 12, 2010
MO - St. Louis University's choice for commencement speaker sparks debate; SNAP responds, May 11, 2010
Vatican - Pope Issues His Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse; SNAP responds, May 11, 2010
WA - Bishop approves return of investigated priest; SNAP responds, May 11, 2010
Vatican - Pope: sex scandal church's "greatest persecution"; SNAP responds, May 11, 2010
PA - Statement Regarding Allegation Against Monsignor George J. Mazzotta; SNAP responds, May 10, 2010
ID - Post Falls, Idaho priest on leave amid misconduct allegation; SNAP responds, May 10, 2010
IL - Sex offender housing restrictions may lead to more crimes; SNAP responds, May 10, 2010
CO - Removed Colorado Priest Had Another Misconduct Allegation; SNAP responds, May 7, 2010
WA - Court delays Morning Star trial pending review; sex abuse victims respond, May 7, 2010
NC - Catholic sex case settles; SNAP responds, May 7, 2010
OH - Ohio Supreme Court rules on child sex abuse / memory repression, May 5, 2010
SNAP responds to new CBS/NYTimes survey re: clergy sex crisis, May 5, 2010
WI - New allegations: 2 Milwaukee bishops kept priest's sexual misdeeds hidden for years, May 5, 2010
IL - Priest removed from ministry for 'inappropriate relationship'; SNAP responds, May 3, 2010
US Catholics weigh whether kicking child molesters out of priesthood is best form of justice; SNAP responds, May 3, 2010
Vatican - Vatican refuses to admit complicity in concealing predator's crimes, May 1, 2010
IL - Archdiocese released info today that 4 more victims of McCormack have come forward; SNAP responds, April 30, 2010
IL - Priest pleads not guilty to new sexual abuse charges; SNAP responds, April 30, 2010
WA - Clergy sex abuse victims blast judge's ruling, April 30, 2010
CT - CT lawmakers won't reform predator-friendly child sex law; SNAP responds, April 30, 2010
FL - Longtime St. Francis Xavier priest named in sexual abuse lawsuit; SNAP responds, April 29, 2010
NJ - Former MO Priest arrested in NJ: Victims respond, April 29, 2010
Vatican - Top US Vatican official kept predator in ministry in 1995, April 29, 2010
Italy - Rome priest on trial for abuse defends pope; SNAP responds, April 27, 2010
CA - Ex Bay Area pedophile priest is suspended, April 27, 2010
MO - Clergy sex abuse victims blast two KC Catholic bishops, April 27, 2010
New York priest accused of sexual assault pleads in TX; SNAP responds, April 27, 2010
FL - Lawmakers vote to lift limits on sex abuse cases; SNAP responds, April 26, 2010
CA - Bishop Walsh rejected call to remove Napa priest; sex abuse victims respond, April 26, 2010
The Netherlands - Priest convicted of child sex abuse volunteered in Dutch church; SNAP responds, April 26, 2010
Vatican says Rome had no role in abuse of WI priest; SNAP responds, April 22, 2010
Man sues Vatican, Pope over WI abuse case; SNAP responds, April 22, 2010
CO - Victims of priest abuse respond to new lawsuit filed in Denver, April 21, 2010
Vatican - Pope promises "action" on sexual abuse crisis; SNAP responds, April 21, 2010
Controversial Cardinal may step aside; SNAP responds, April 21, 2010
IL - New child-abuse charge against priest; SNAP responds, April 21, 2010
CT - SNAP statement on Connecticut House Bill 5473, April 21, 2010
DC - Clergy sex victims blast DC archbishop as "disingenuous", April 20, 2010
US clergy sex abuse victims blast 2 new papal appointments, April 20, 2010
TX - Ex-priest child abused to be freed today; SNAP responds, April 20, 2010
IL - SNAP blast Chicago church official headed to Springfield IL, April 20, 2010
FL - New archbishop named for Miami; SNAP responds, April 20, 2010
TN - TN predator priest arrested in NC; SNAP responds, April 19, 2010
Germany - German priest 'pressured' to 'take the fall' for Pope; SNAP responds, April 19, 2010
Vatican - Pope: church will protect young from abuse; SNAP responds, April 18, 2010
Vatican - Pope mentions 'penance,' - victims respond, April 16, 2010
CO - Couple accused priest of stalking their teen son; sex abuse victims respond, April 16, 2010
Vatican - French bishop praised for shielding priest; SNAP responds, April 16, 2010
Vatican - Pope may meet with abuse victims in Malta; SNAP responds, April 15, 2010
AZ - Notorious accused predator pleads guilty, April 15, 2010
Germany - German bishops will bring in prosecutors early; victims respond, April 15, 2010
Statement by Barbara Blaine of Chicago, national president of SNAP, April 15, 2010
Predator priests shuffled around globe; SNAP responds, April 14, 2010
Vatican - Vatican tamps down uproar over homosexual comment; SNAP responds, April 14, 2010
Vatican - Pope's number 2, who covered up Murphy case, says homosexuality cause of child sex abuse, April 14, 2010
OR - Clergy sex victims applaud Scout abuse verdict, April 13, 2010
NH - Boston/NH priest arrested in prostitution sting, April 13, 2010
Dissolve Legion, clergy sex abuse victims say, April 13, 2010
WA - Child sex abuse claims against former Catholic priest in Kirkland, WA; SNAP responds, April 12, 2010
CO - Archbishop Chaput removes Centennial, CO priest accused of abuse; SNAP responds, April 12, 2010
Vatican - Clergy sex victim responds to "one sentence" Vatican change, April 12, 2010
CT - Legionaries exit Orange, CT; sex abuse victims respond, April 12, 2010
Vatican - Vatican makes clear bishops must report sex abuse; SNAP responds, April 12, 2010
Vatican - Vatican posts policy on line; clergy sex abuse victims respond, April 12, 2010
CA - Files show future pope resisted defrocking molester priest; SNAP responds, April 9, 2010
Vatican - Pope's spokesman says he'll meet w/ victims; SNAP responds, April 9, 2010
Norway - Norwegian bishop resigned because of abuse; sex abuse victims respond, April 7, 2010
MD - SNAP statement regarding Fr. Robert Trupia and Fr. Laurence Brett in Maryland, April 7, 2010
TN - Memphis court documents unsealed in Catholic sex-abuse lawsuit; sex abuse victims respond, April 7, 2010
Italy - Italy sees 130 priests investigated over abuse; victims respond, April 6, 2010
Accused Indian priest says he will return to U.S.; sex abuse victims respond, April 6, 2010
SNAP challenges 4 US bishops, April 6, 2010
CA - New Archbishop, April 6, 2010
MN - Priest accused of US abuse still working in India; sex abuse victims respond, April 5, 2010
OR - Archbishop John G. Vlazny asks Catholic ministers to cancel Oregonian subscriptions; SNAP responds, April 5, 2010
India - Priest accused of US abuse still working in India; SNAP responds, April 5, 2010
England - Pope's immunity to prosecution may be challenged in Britain; sex abuse victims respond, April 5, 2010
Vatican - Lofty statements from Vatican officials do not change the facts, April 4, 2010
WI - Canon judge appears to have drafted Weakland letter; SNAP responds, April 3, 2010
Archbishop Levada brought back accused priest with conditions; SNAP responds, April 3, 2010
Victims respond to 3rd priest left in ministry by then Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope), April 3, 2010
Vatican - Sex abuse victims respond to Good Friday remarks, April 2, 2010
Vatican - SNAP response to latest callous Vatican statement, April 2, 2010
US bishops back the Pope; SNAP responds, March 30, 2010
Germany - Clergy sex abuse victims blast German church hotline, March 30, 2010
WI - Statement by Mary Guentner, SNAP Wisconsin Director, March 29, 2010
NY - Clergy sex victims blast NY Archbishop Dolan, March 29, 2010
Vatican - Pope talks today of "petty gossip;" Clergy sex victims are hurt & insulted, March 28, 2010
WI - A Wisconsin victim's impact statement, March 27, 2010
Former San Francisco Archbishop implicated in Italian sex case, March 26, 2010
Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims; sex abuse victims respond, March 26, 2010
OR - Trial: abuse expert says Scouts put boys at risk; Sex abuse victims respond, March 26, 2010
Pope Was Told Pedophile Priest Would Get Transfer; Sex abuse victims respond, March 26, 2010
Warned About Abuse, Vatican Failed to Defrock Priest; SNAP responds, March 25, 2010
WI - Short SNAP statement re NY Times disclosure, March 25, 2010
Ireland - Pope Accepts Irish Bishop's Resignation in Abuse Scandal; Victims respond, March 24, 2010
Germany - New abuse claim hits suspended German priest; sex abuse victims respond, March 24, 2010
Sex abuse victims respond to self-reported numbers from US bishops, March 23, 2010
Italy - Italy prelate sees campaign against church over abuse; sex abuse victims respond, March 22, 2010
Germany - Statement by SNAP in Germany, March 22, 2010
Vatican - SNAP reponds to Pope's Letter to Ireland, March 20, 2010
Vatican - Warning: Pope's letter could cause pain to victims, March 19, 2010
Germany - Doctor Asserts Church Ignored Abuse Warnings; SNAP responds, March 18, 2010
Ireland - SNAP statement on Cardinal Brady, March 18, 2010
IL - Priest accused of assaulting St. Charles boy denied bond reduction; SNAP responds, March 18, 2010
Germany - German Chancellor Merkel: Sex abuse scandal major challenge; SNAP responds, March 17, 2010
Vatican - Vatican says number of sex abuse cases in church is small; Victims respond, March 15, 2010
SNAP statement at events this weekend, March 13, 2010
Vatican - Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry; victims respond, March 12, 2010
Germany - Pope's former diocese admits error over priest; sex abuse victims respond, March 12, 2010
IL - Chicago archdiocese discloses legal fees; SNAP responds, March 11, 2010
6th Circuit finds limits on religious school's freedom to fire; sex abuse victims respond, March 10, 2010
Germany - German Catholics to investigate abuse charges; victims respond, March 10, 2010
Germany - Pope's brother admits to slapping pupils; victims respond, March 9, 2010
Vatican - Vatican says abuse is throughout the culture: victims respond, March 9, 2010
Vatican - Vatican comments on rapidly growing European church sex scandals; SNAP responds, March 9, 2010
Germany - Victims group slams Pope's brother, March 8, 2010
Germany> - Abuse at Pope's Brother's Choir; Sex abuse victims respond, March 5, 2010
NJ - Camden Diocese removes local priest due to "substantiated" sex abuse incident; Sex abuse victims respond, March 2, 2010
WA - WA Catholic bishop must pay; Sex abuse victims respond, February 24, 2010
Germany - Sex abuse victims respond to German Justice Minister's idea, February 24, 2010
IL - Accused predator priest quits; Sex abuse victims respond, February 23, 2010
NY - Sex abuse victims worry about new Catholic bishop, February 23, 2010
PA - Sex abuse victims blast new Catholic bishop, February 23, 2010
Germany - German Catholic bishop apologizes for church scandal; Sex abuse victims respond, February 22, 2010
DE - DE Catholic bishop changes mind re predators; SNAP responds, February 19, 2010
Germany - German Catholic bishop blames others for church scandal; Sex abuse victims respond, February 19, 2010
CT - Catholic school is missing $120,000; Sex abuse victims respond, February 19, 2010
PA - Predator priest gets "restricted ministry;" SNAP responds, February 18, 2010
Germany - More Jesuit abuse & cover up allegations surface; SNAP responds, February 18, 2010
IL - Accused predator priest gets another 'move;' SNAP responds, February 18, 2010
WA - Vatican removes Washington priest from active ministry; SNAP responds, February 16, 2010
MI - Predator priest permanently ousted; Sex abuse victims, February 16, 2010
AZ - Serial predator priest is finally defrocked; SNAP responds, February 16, 2010
OH - OH Supreme Court hears repressed memory case; Sex abuse victims respond, February 16, 2010
CA - Global sex offender list proposed; sex abuse victims respond, February 16, 2010
Ireland - Papal visit w/ Irish bishops ends; SNAP responds, February 16, 2010
Ireland - Ireland blasts papal diplomat's refusal to testify; SNAP responds, February 15, 2010
Ireland - Irish bishops meet with pope; Sex abuse victims respond, February 15, 2010
WV - Predator priest indicted; Victims respond, February 11, 2010
IA - Ex-Rogersville teacher sues; Sex abuse victims respond, February 10, 2010
Vatican - Pope condemns abuse of children by priests; sex abuse victims respond, February 8, 2010
VT - Victims respond to Diocese's claim they'll sell HQ, February 3, 2010
CT - Statement by David Clohessy in Bridgeport, February 3, 2010
NJ - South Jersey pastor charged with sexual assault; SNAP responds, February 2, 2010
WV - Statement on the indictment of a priest in West Virginia for sexual abuse of a Cincinnati area boy, February 2, 2010
VT - Clergy sex abuse victims react to VT judge's ruling, February 2, 2010
Germany - Official: Germany's Jesuits did not stem sex abuse; SNAP responds, February 1, 2010
MA - Archdiocese Says Accused Irish Priests Were Transferred To Boston; SNAP responds, January 27, 2010
AK - National abuse victims group react to big AK settlement, January 26, 2010
TX - Clergy sex victims blast new Austin Catholic bishop, January 26, 2010
TX - TX Bishop admits former priest removed because of sexual abuse, January 22, 2010
OH - No decision re: convicted murdering priest after hearing today, January 22, 2010
IL - Priest who tried suicide charged with sex assault; SNAP responds, January 20, 2010
TN - Chattanooga predatory preacher arrested; SNAP responds, January 18, 2010
IL - Hearing set for notorious predator priest for tomorrow, January 18, 2010
TX - Sex abuse victims comment on Corpus Christi Catholic bishop, January 18, 2010
IL - Predator is ousted; Cop says dumb thing; abuse victims blast him, January 16, 2010
IL - Ex child molesting cleric in Berwyn suspended: Sex abuse victims respond, January 15, 2010
MA - MA high court denies ex-priest's bid for new trial based on challenge to repressed memories; abuse victims respond, January 15, 2010
MA - Priest dies after allegation; Sex abuse victims respond, January 15, 2010
FL - Former Orlando-area priest accused of sex abuse; Sex abuse victims respond, January 14, 2010
OH - Lawsuit against killer priest is dismissed; abuse victims respond, January 14, 2010
AR - Judge orders payments to notorious predator's victims; abuse group responds, January 13, 2010
MO - Sex abuse victims call for constitutional amendment, January 13, 2010
PA - Priest accused of child sex crime; Sex abuse victims respond, January 8, 2010
MO - Priest accused of child sex crime ousted; Sex abuse victims respond, January 8, 2010
CA - Predatory pries ousted; Sex abuse victims respond, January 6, 2010
MN - New effort to compensate child porn victims; Sex abuse group responds, January 6, 2010
WA - Clergy sex abuse victims blast Spokane Catholic bishop, January 6, 2010
TX - Predatory pastor indicted; Sex abuse victims respond, January 6, 2010
MO - Predatory preacher gets light sentence; Sex abuse victims respond, January 6, 2010
United Kingdom - Upcoming papal visit to UK is disclosed; Sex abuse victims respond, January 5, 2010
Survivors Network of those
Abused by Priests