The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests SNAP Press
SNAP Statement on Boston Settlement Offer
Statement by Bill Gately of Plymouth, "We are confident that the survivors who have suffered so severely and needlessly will be heard in the weeks ahead, and we hope that, settlement or not, they will remain supportive of one another. It's important to keep in mind that most survivors never take legal action. So even if a settlement takes place, it represents only one small step toward closure for a minority of those victimized. No one should mistake a settlement, if reached, for some 'final chapter' in what will remain a long-running painful saga for so many betrayed victims and Catholics. Comparisons will inevitably arise between this offer and offers elsewhere. But the dollar figure is not what ultimately matters. What ultimately matters is whether or not those who have been deeply wounded feel more vindicated and those who are still at risk will be more secure. For more information:
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests www.snapnetwork.org | ||