SNAP praises victims of Delbarton School teacher
We applaud these four brave men for having the courage to come forward and report the abuse they suffered at the hands of Travers. It takes a good deal of bravery to step forward and speak out against a charismatic leader such as this predator. Hopefully by these men breaking their silence, Travers will be prevented from victimizing other children.
It is disturbing enough that Travers used his position of power to get close to these boys, but it is even more disturbing that he attacked them during their weakest moments. These men turned to someone in their time of need who they trusted and looked to for guidance, and instead were met only with unwanted advances and then cold denials. We hope that the leaders at Delbarton School and the Bishop Seratelli will urge others who may have seen, suspected, or suffered Travers’ crimes to come forward and report their abuse to law enforcement officials.
Finally, we're appalled that school officials claim they've been "investigating" one abuse report since last June. There's no reason it should take 7 months to resolve such an investigation. We believe they've been deliberately dragging their feet instead of acting responsibly.
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