SNAP: New pope has “enormous opportunity and duty”
We’ve long worried about child sex crimes and cover ups by religious order clerics like the Jesuits. Religious orders have often been worse than bishops at hiding predators.
The Jesuits, in particular, have a troubled track record on children’s safety.
So we’re struck by how this new pope, coming from a religious order, has both an enormous opportunity and duty to help prevent heinous assaults against kids by this crucial and relatively secretive segment of the Catholic clergy.
We’re grateful the new pope isn’t on our “Dirty Dozen” list. But very little about this crisis has been exposed in South and Central America. We worry about the safety of children in the church there. And we hope victims, witnesses and whistleblowers in Argentina will find the courage to step forward and disclose how they have been and are being treated in the new pope’s home archdiocese.
We suspect that supporters of the new pope will find and cite one seemingly positive step he’s made in an abuse case. One such incident, however encouraging it may initially seem, doesn’t necessarily show a pattern. It’s important that we judge his record on abuse and coverup by all of his actions, not one isolated one.
An Argentinian archbishop, Edgardo Gabriel Storni, of Santa Fe, was convicted and sentenced to prison because of sexual abuse. We hope Pope Francis learned the right lessons observing that case.
We are grateful he doesn’t work in the Vatican and isn’t a member of the Curia. We hope that will give him the courage to shake things up and put the prevention of abuse and cover up first on his priority list. For the safety of kids and the healing of victims, we hope he starts by exposing the names of predator priests – current and former, living and deceased – in his home archdiocese.
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I know that in his rather quiet and humble sounding speach, he did in fact issue absolution to ALL sinners there, and ALL those in the church. He told them all that they were all forgiven.
I know I heard it, even though he said it hurriedly.
Personally, I think this was his “mea culpa” for the church and his way of sidestepping from the “get go”, the whole pedophile laity and subsequent cover up, issue.
I know I heard that. Didn’t you?