
Letters List


The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

SNAP Letters

Letter to Bishops in Wyoming and Ohio, regarding Anthony Jablonowski


July 26, 2005

To: Bishop Daniel Conlon, Steubenville, Oh. Diocese
To: Bishop David Ricken, Cheyenne, Wy. Diocese

This past Friday July 22, 2005 I was informed that Anthony Jablonowski has
been released from prison. Additionally, I was informed that he, Anthony
Jablonowski, registered himself as a Sex Offender, as required by law, with
the Sheriff's office in Washington county, OH. According to Washington county
Sheriff Mincks, Anthony Jablonowski registered his address as CMMI, Carmilite
Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, in Waterford, Ohio. This situation disturbs
me greatly and leads me to ask you some very serious questions:

1. Why is Anthony Jablonowski back at CMMI in the Steubenville Diocese?

2. What is your plan for initiating the defrocking process? His prison
sentence for crimes of sexual abuse of a minor certainly place him in
violation of the Dallas Charter.

3. What is your plan for informing all of the people who work at CMMI about
this dangerous priest?

4. What is your plan for informing the victims of Jablonowski, especially
those who reside within the Steubenville diocese, that he has been released
from prison and is close at hand?

5.On what date will you be announcing to all of your parishioners that
Anthony Jablonowski, a registered sex abuser, is living within the diocese
and where he is living so parents can protect their children and adolescents
and young adults can be on guard?

This appearance of Anthony Jablonowski is unexpected and his residence at
CMMI surprising given the statement by Bishop Ricken posted on the Cheyenne,
Wy. Diocese web site; I quote:

Former Diocesan priest accused of abusive practices

"Bishop Ricken states that he was recently advised by the Diocese of
Steubenville that Anthonly Jablonowski may no longer function publically as a
priest, as a result of the recent disclosures of sexaully abusive practices.
Jablonowski has been in Steubenville, Ohio since 1997 pursuing the
establishment of a religious community of men called the Carmelite
Missionaries of Mary Immaculate. The community consisted of four members who
resided in a monastery near Steubenville, Ohio. He will, also, no longer be
associated with this community."

This leads me to ask one more question:

6. Can you please explain the incongruities and misstatements in this posting
to me and to others who are concerned?

As the Steubenville Diocese SNAP leader, Survivors Network of those Abused by
Priests, I and the rest of the Ohio and National SNAP leadership are very
concerned about this matter. Also, since this Carmilite Missionaries
organization has been made a 'Lay Association of the Faithful', we are
concerned for children, minors and vulnerable adults who live, work or visit
CMMI in Waterford. Because of the nature of Anthony Jablonowski's crimes of
having engaged in unacceptable and abusive penitential practices, we are
dismayed that you would permit this priest to return to the sanctuary of the
Steubenville diocese, especially given the newly developed and proclaimed
"Child Protection Decree" posted on the Steubenville Diocese website.

We at SNAP are working very hard to protect innocent children, and to support
victims who have already been sexually abused by priests. We would hope that
both of you, Bishop Conlon and Bishop Ricken, would join us in our efforts to
protect these innocent victims and innocent children.

I offer my help and assistance in accomplishing these outcomes. I look forward to your reply.

Thank you for caring,

Judy Jones
SNAP leader, Steubenville Diocese, Ohio

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests