
Letters List


The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

SNAP Letters


Letter to National Review Board


October 27, 2003

National Review Board
Office of Child and Youth Protection
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20017-1194

Dear Judge Burke and National Review Board Members:

We are extremely concerned because Cardinal Edward Egan of the Archdiocese of New York is not in compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Cardinal Egan has not released the names and fates of the priests who have been removed from their assignments because of sexual abuse allegations. While he refuses to name those perpetrators, children are needlessly left at risk.

Just recently in Cincinnati, OH at least one child was abused. This could have been prevented. The church did not make it public when Father David Kelley was removed from duties after molestation allegations. Father Kelley went on to obtain employment-counseling children in an Amelia intervention center, where he abused at least one youngster. Earlier this month he was arrested for molesting another child.

A similar event occurred in St Louis where Father James Beine was removed from the priesthood with no warning of the risk he posed to children and young people. Beine went on to become a school guidance counselor where he raped a youngster and is now serving a prison term, having been sentenced earlier this year.

The priests whom Cardinal Egan removed from ministry could now be working as coaches, scout leaders, tutors for needy students, etc. In such positions these perpetrators would pose a risk to innocent children. It is time for Cardinal Egan to protect the innocent children and end the campaign of secrecy. The public needs to be warned immediately about these abusers. Cardinal Egan has been saying for months that he will soon release the names in Catholic NY, his monthly Diocesan Newspaper. It appears that Cardinal Egan's agenda would be best served by publishing his announcement in a newspaper read my a minimum of the population.

The Bishops' Charter boasted that a new era of openness and transparency would become the norm. Sadly, Cardinal Egan has refused to espouse the spirit of the Dallas Charter. His refusal to make known the fate of the perpetrators is leaving innocent children at risk

Please investigate this situation, and do all you can to persuade Cardinal Egan to release the names and status of the perpetrators removed from ministry. Encourage Cardinal Egan to comply with the norms to protect children.


Barbara A. Blaine, President

David Cerulli, New York SNAP Leader


Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests