Survivors Network of
those Abused by Priests
SNAP Letters
to First Baptist Church of Atlanta
February 6, 2007
Dr. Charles Stanley
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Atlanta
4400 North Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30338
Dear Dr. Stanley,
Last Sunday, SNAP members attempted to hand out a flyer to your congregants
as they left the morning worship service. A copy of it is enclosed. As
you can see, it would have informed them that your former childrens
minister, the Rev. Tommy Gilmore, is known to have sexually abused a church
girl in Texas.
Church officials directed us to leave the premises and apparently called
the police. Frankly, our members were treated rudely.
Information about Gilmore was previously sent to your church back in May
2005 and again in January 2006. The information was sent by the now-grown
victim and by the prior Dallas church, which made a written apology for
Gilmores "very serious sexual abuse."
In light of those prior letters, members of your congregation should have
been informed about Gilmore long ago. We have no reason, however, to believe
this was ever done. Secrecy serves only the predators.
We are very concerned that Gilmore may have had other victims in Atlanta,
possibly kids who grew up in your church. Rather than trying to evict
those who bring this information to light, your church leaders should
be reaching out with transparency, begging any other witnesses or victims
to speak up and offering counseling to assist in their healing.
SNAP has many years of experience in working toward the prevention of
clergy sex abuse and in helping victims heal. We ask you for the opportunity
to share our pain and our wisdom about abusive clergy with your congregation.
We ask that a SNAP representative be allowed to speak at a morning service
soon, for the benefit of your congregation.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
David Clohessy, SNAP National Director
[email protected]
Christa Brown, SNAP-Baptist Coordinator
[email protected]

Survivors Network
of those Abused by Priests