SNAP joins Iowa State Senator Janet Petersen in calling on Governor Kim Reynolds and Attorney General Tom Miller to support window legislation

We fully agree with the opinion piece written by Iowa State Senator Janet Petersen. Our applause for her willingness to champion window legislation, which will protect the vulnerable and hold child predators and the institutions who enable them accountable. For too long, survivors have held the entire liability for the long-term effects of the abuse they suffered. Regardless of when the crime occurred, it is time to shift the cost back where it belongs, to the perpetrator and to the organizations who covered up for them. Attorney General Miller took a positive step forward and investigated the Catholic dioceses in his state, but so far nothing has been done to hold the Church accountable for the damage it caused.

SNAP Leaders John Chambers and Paul Koeniguer, along with SNAP President Tim Lennon, made great efforts in Iowa in 2019. They appeared at the state's capitol with Senator Petersen to demand legislators take the issue of much-needed SOL reform seriously. We welcome the opportunity to be invited once again to the table to discuss this critical cause.

No boy or girl should be put at risk from known abusers. As victim stories are told and heard across the state, lawmakers should work to deliver justice to those who have been silenced for far too long. When SOL laws are amended, children and communities are safer, and institutions with hidden or recycled perpetrators have a solid incentive to change their behavior.  SOL reforms help hold sexual predators accountable and instill accountability and consequences for any institution that harbors, conceals, or protects them. Reform will help ensure another child will not be the next victim, and Iowa will become a safer place. Governor Reynolds and Attorney General Miller should take the proper next step on the heels of this recent investigative report and pledge their support for window legislation. Senator Petersen has demonstrated leadership in this matter, and SNAP will support survivors and advocates in Iowa who follow her lead in every way possible.

CONTACT: Michael McDonnell, SNAP Communications Manager ([email protected],  267.261.0578), Zach Hiner, SNAP Executive Director ([email protected], 517.974.9009) Tim Lennon, SNAP President (415-312-5820, [email protected]), Paul A. Koeniguer, SNAP Iowa (515-865-9673, [email protected]), John S. Chambers, SNAP Iowa (515-277-8436, [email protected])  

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