Sex abuse trial opens for archdiocese official, priest

Philadelphia (CNN) -- Opening arguments started Monday in the first case in which a Roman Catholic archdiocese official is accused of covering up evidence of suspected sexual abuse of children.

Monsignor William Lynn and the Rev. James Brennan appeared before Common Pleas Judge Teresa Sarmina inside a nearly filled Philadelphia courtroom. The attendees had to pass through a metal detector and surrender all electronic devices before entering the courtroom.

Commonwealth prosecutor Jacqueline Coelho told jurors in her nearly hour-long opening statement that Lynn's role was to protect priests, the church and privacy "at any cost."

Lynn, dressed in all black and wearing a priest collar, listened intently as Coelho argu...


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Showing 6 comments

  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-04-05 13:26:46 -0500
    Good for you Gary! I’m behind you all the way. We must stick together and support one another. We deserve to take back the lives that were stolen from us and it’s way past time these predators endure consequences for robbing children and vunerable adults of their souls.
    Long overdue!!!

    Annette Nester-SNAP Southern New Jersey
  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-04-05 07:48:55 -0500
    Gary, you are brave to speak out. Everytime we find the courage to break the silence, we help ouselves along with future children. The shame and guilt we feel, is not our own, it belongs to the predator. Victims/Surivors must UNIFY and fight for justice!
  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-04-04 15:47:57 -0500
    Patricia, you are so right. Victims/Survivors know what it feels like to live with the lifelong anxiety/depresseion/flashbacks etc. Elimination of the Statute of Limitations gives up hope that children who are destined to suffer this fate, have the judicial recourse we never did. Current victims/survivors could receive help with therapy, transportation, education, etc., all for the betterment of our society as whole.

    Annette Nestler-SNAP Southern New Jersey
  • Patricia A Sulecki
    commented 2012-04-04 15:21:00 -0500
    We need to have the statute of limitation abolished "NOW"for justice and peace of mind ! I don’t believe the soul can ever recover all of itself or the person we were born to be and I’m being optimistic,victims live it" they know
  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-03-30 12:55:23 -0500
    Thank you Susan Candotti for a comprehensive interview.

    Annette Nestler-SNAP Southern New Jersey
  • Barbara and Mathias Garcia Boehland
    commented 2012-03-30 11:19:17 -0500
    like wise!

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