Ribera Law Firm Becomes Gold Level Sponsor for SNAP’s Mini-Conferences
We are delighted to announce that Ribera Law Firm of San Francisco, California, has become a Gold Level Sponsor for each of SNAP’s 2021 virtual mini-conferences. Each one of these four one-day conferences is free to attendees and will provide new resources for support of and education to our audience of advocates, sexual abuse survivors, and their families.
Ribera Law Firm has had much success in representing victims of clergy sexual abuse, including a recent $3.5 million settlement against the Diocese of Oakland. Attorney Sandra Ribera Speed says that the key to her firm’s success is that she doesn’t just see her clients as clients but as partners with whom she walks side by side throughout the emotional journey that bringing a clergy sexual abuse case entails. At Ribera Law Firm, Sandra Ribera Speed’s primary focus is on supporting her clients in any way she can and empowering them as they continue their path toward justice.
We offer our sincerest gratitude to Ribera Law Firm for its support of our mini-conferences and for the excellent work it does for survivors within our network.
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